I made this page to serve as reference to those aspiring to petition their Fiancé(e) under K1 Visa. Included here are helpful links I browsed here on the net when I researched about these matters...

    My fiancé consulted 3 immigration lawyers for a $100 - $150 consultation fee per hour.  He did this because we wanted facts and not rumors or heresay of how this is being processed and how long it usually takes.  In his desperation to speed up things so we can be binded together as soon as possible (trust me we know exactly how it feels to be so far to your loved one), he hired one immigration lawyer whose been handling visa matters for 25 years now.

    At first we thought that we made a mistake since the lawyers fee costed him $1,800!!! (such a rip off huh!) but then again as I have observed compared to others who have gone through this procedure on their own... having a lawyer made a good impression to the INS since in the first place having a lawyer somehow proves that this marriage is not a fraud or anything so it's a lot easier and quite faster.

    Hire a lawyer? It's absolutely up to you and your fiance but it's  really easy to file on your own provided that you answer the forms carefully and correctly and just make sure that all necessary documents are complete.

    After chatting for almost a year online and on the phone almost everyday (talk about gigantic phonebills), we decided to meet in person and see for ourselves if the love were feel towards each other is for real. We set up our meeting in Hongkong since we've never been there and to serve as our getaway vacation for one unforgettable and magical week~!!! We realized how much we really love each other and from there he proposed to me~! Some might even find it strange but the feelings we have for one another is so strong and like what he often say "No one will understand what we have since we can't figure out ourselves how all of this happened... meeting and falling inlove from the net."

    Distance is so unbearable and his phonebills grew triple~! So he researched about ways of getting me to the US where our wedding will take place since my parents are residing in New York. He thought of the option of marrying me here in the Philippines but after we found out that it takes ages to petition a spouse, it was when he hired an immigration lawyer and filed the K1 Visa instead.

    Please don't hesitate to email us your questions or simply sign in our Guestbook, we'll be glad to help with your queries...

Here is our timeline so far and is still ongoing...

Our K1 Timeline

K1 Visa/
Fiancé(e) Visa

Since we have a lawyer to do the job for us... all we did is sign the necessary forms and documents which are:
*Form G-325A for Citizen (Biographic Information) 
*Form G-325A for Alien (Biographic Information) 
*Form I-129F Petition for Alien Fiancé(e)
*ADIT photos are a 3/4 view showing the right ear
*Petitioners Birth Certificate
*Proof of relationship and meeting like hotel and airline receipts, phonebills, photocopy of passports stamp when you visited her
*A description of how we met. 
March 13,1999

Our lawyer submitted everything to Vermont INS Service Center along with the $95 processing fee for K1 or you can registered mail the packet to the nearest INS offices in your place.
April 7, 1999

Received Notice of Action which notifies you that the petition has been received and also serves as your receipt. That it takes 15  to 21 days for processing. 

Your Receipt number is also your case number where you can verify the present status of your aplication through an automated machine by calling the INS Center.

April 14, 1999

US Consulate in Manila was wired April 15!

We were not really expecting it to be this fast since it hasn't even been 15 days! No hassles like  form requesting "proof of relationship" since I found out that some were even asked for it and if that happens that means delays. Well our lawyer really scanned our papers well and made sure there's no mistake (that's his job anyway)

April 22, 1999

Fiance got the formNotice of Approval by mail and I called up the US Embassy here in Manila to verify these matters and I was told that they got the notice from the INS last April 20! They confirmed my address and told me that they will send the packet.
May 07, 1999

Received the checklist or packet, OF-179 (Biographic data and request for alien registration)& OF-169 (Statement) from the US Embassy Manila (What a nice Birthday gift since tomorrow is my Birthday May 8) Filed and signed the papers and went to the Embassy to submitted both in the drop box forms since I have already completed all the necessary requirements beforehand. We will now be waiting for the medical exam and interview dates.
May 08, 1999

My Fiancé also got a copy of the checklist from the US Embassy Manila and affidavit of support he will be sending for my interview with the Consul. I turned 27 today~!
May 19, 1999

I called up the US Embassy Manila at telephone number 523-1001 loc. 6241 to inquire about our current status. I was informed that my Interview date is set on July 23 '99 (argh! 2 more months! Trust me Fiancé is the one freaking out more lol)and the interview notice was already mailed to me and another copy to my fiancé and his lawyer. Sigh! At least I will be there on fiancé's birthday on July 29 (If nothing else goes wrong...)I was also told that I can have my Medical exam as soon as I got the notice.
May 20, 1999

The Interview notice or packet arrived today (Seems like the post office is improving now a days) The Packet consists of the appointment letter of my interview on July 23, two OF-156's, an I-134, one supplemental form to OF-156 for fiancee visa applicants, and a list of required documents to be brought to the interview (certified true copy of birth certificate, NBI clearance, two frontal photos, and proof of a valid fiancee relationship) & instructions for the medical exam. I visited a lot of webpages concerning K1 Visa and its requirements but in my list the embassy has added a new required document which is the NSO(National Statistics Office) CIVIL STATUS *applicable only for fiance/e from the Philippines. It should serve as proof that you are still single, good thing I heard of that kind of documentation even before so I also applied for a copy at NSO. Fiancé and I set our Church wedding in Autumn (aside from our civil wedding a few weeks after I arrive in the U.S.)
June 10, 1999

I had my Medical Exam today at St. Luke's Medical Center Extension Clinic along T.M. Kalaw, 3 blocks away from the US Embassy & not the St. Luke's Medical Center along E. Rodriguez Sr. Ave. in Quezon City. I decided to have it done as early as today so I still have plenty of time incase there's some follow ups that will be needed. I procastinated and went there at 9 AM instead of earlier since I live quite far from the place. There were only 5 of us taking the Medical Exam... no lines and no waiting so it only took me more or less an hour to finish it all. Click HERE for the step by step procedure that I have gone through the entire Medical.
July 23, 1999

Read more about my MY INTERVIEW...

July 27, 1999

Visa was released today at 2pm. There were 3 fiancee whose papers was on hold and we heard that the Consul wanted to talk with them again so they were sent to fall inline again to get inside the embassy. After getting the visa I headed straight for the 3 hours seminar at the CFO. You can never imagine how I rush everything since my departure is at 6:30am the next day argh.
July 28, 1999

Left Manila at 6:30AM and arrived at my port of entry which is in Detroit. Everything went smoothly except that I was dead tired from the more than 18 hours flight!!! Oh well at least I'm back in his arms again :-).
September 17, 1999

Civil Wedding witnessed by couple of friends. The Formal Wedding Ceremony will be early January 2000, we are now working on the Adjustment of Status. I'll keep posting and thanks for all those who signed in our guestbook~!!!
January 15, 2000

The Formal Wedding Ceremony. We are now working on the Adjustment of Status
March 21, 2000
Adjustment of Status

Other K1 Visa Stories

Alleycat's K-1 Ring of Gold
List of Marriage based visa (K-1 and spousal) Homepages
Philippines - USA Fiancé(e)Visa Webpages

Very Informative and Helpful links

INS Forms
K1 Timeline
INS Service Center Processing Times
US State Department - Services - Visas
Find your Reps/Congressman for assistance
K1 FAQ alt.visa.us.marriage-based newsgroup
Port of Entry - Rolling List
This K-1 Ring of Goldsite is owned by Babes.

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