What you didn't learn in high school ... but wanted to

A teacher who was distinctly underwhelmed with school made this page, which is for people who want to change the future of education.
The purpose of this page is to gather your ideas about what you want or wanted to learn in high school, as well as why you disliked it. Or hey, maybe you loved it... I'm all for free speech, so say what is on your mind. I would like to put these ideas together and answer the unanswered questions as much as possible, and make the result available to young people. It's a crime the way school frustrates or kills desire for knowledge.
Me: I particularly disliked high school, because I was bored. Particularly tiresome and irrelevant was social studies - why? Because neither the teacher nor the system had any interest in answering my questions, or helping me learn how to answer them. This goes against student-centered learning, which is the method my current school centers on. I teach ESL to adults and teenagers, but my personal page is about that and can be reached through No More Alphabet Soup.

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