The Lost Wealth

It is said that one evening a man came to Imam Abi Haneefa and said, "Oh, Imam!  Many years ago I buried my wealth in a secret place and now cannot find it.  I was wondering if you could help me?"

"Well," the Imam answered, "that's not usually the job of a legal scholar; nevertheless, I will attempt to solve your problem."  Then he thought for a little while and said, "Go and pray until dawn.  God-willing, you shall remember where you hid your wealth."

So, the man returned home and started praying.  Suddenly, after just a short time in prayer, he remembered where the hiding spot was.  He quickly ran to the place and retrieved the money.

The next morning, the man returned to Imam Abi Haneefa, happily reported his success the previous night, and thanked him.  "So," he asked, "how did you know that I would think of the hiding place?"  The Imam answered, "I knew that satan would never leave you alone during your prayers.  Satan occupied your mind with thinking about your wealth!"

The End