Wicca and Neo-Paganism
*Kate Bush*
Some rogue Christian
not a Wiccan, seems a bit
who seems to think he's
New Agey, but certainly
Pan or Cernunnos or just the
my idea of a Goddess.
odd satyr. Sheeesh!
(I decided a pic of Tori was
Lo, a Christian Republican
just TOO obvious.*G*)
Beatnik Shaman!
Since 1997, I have made lots of good friends in
the Neo-Pagan world, and studied much about their
faiths. This actually has deepened my faith
in Lord Jesus, even as I understand why
others place their faith elsewhere.
So, what can we in the
Christian faith can learn from the Neo-Pagan
faiths; and why am I a Christian,
and not a Pagan?
Neo-Paganism is the modern revival of the
ancient Nature faiths that generally see
God(s) as revealed in Nature, both
male & female; celebrate the cycles of
life & death & rebirth; and channel
the Divine-Natural energies via ritual & magick.
Wicca is a British form of Neo-Paganism,
made public in the 1940's by Gerald Gardner,
mixing traditional coven structure & law,
Celtic myth & folk magick, and Western
ritual magick, including Kabbalah, Masonic-
Rosicrucian, & Crowleyan beliefs & practices.
Other Pagan faiths, ancient and modern,
include some Native American faiths, some
forms of Buddhism, most of Hinduism, Voudoun
(aka Voodoo), Santeria, Asatru (the Nordic
"faith of the Aesir-gods"), reconstructed Druidism,
"Olympianism" (the Greco-Roman pantheon),
Strega (Italian Etruscan witchcraft), Egyptian
and Cannaanite revivals, Thelemic Magick
(courtesy of Aleistar Crowley), and yes, some
aspects of Satanism and Demonology.
New Age beliefs and practices also overlap
with the Neo-Pagan revival.
And now my analysis of Wicca & Neo-Paganism
via my Christian faith-
God/dess-The Lord and the Lady
The Christian world has not done well in coming to
terms with the Feminine Aspect of our Creator God.
However, there is much in our Bible and the mystical
traditions of Judaism & Christianity that reveals
I also believe we are understanding more of God's
Feminine side as we understand more about
the Holy Spirit (the LifeBreath Who Betrothes
us to Christ & begets us in His Nature;
the Mothering Lady Wisdom Who shapes
Her created Daughter- the Bridal Assembly-
into Her image to make us a Bride for the
Eternal Son Jesus.)
Genesis 1:26
God's image is Male and Female.
Genesis 3:20
Adam is named for the ground,
he named Eve for his Maker Yahweh
'Havah-Life; Y-H-W-H- I Am Life.
Proverbs 8
Wisdom of Solomon (Apocrypha) 7:22-30
Lady Wisdom- the Breath of God.
Revelation 12, 21-22
The Bridal Assembly of the Lamb.
God and Jesus,
Sin and Redemption,
Final Judgment
"Hear O Israel, Yahweh is your Elohim-
Yahweh is One."
Deuteronomy 6:4
"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life-
no one comes to the Father
but through Me," said Jesus.
John 14:6
"All have sinned and fallen short
of the glory of God...
The wages of sin is death, but
the gift of God is eternal life
through Jesus Christ our Lord."
Paul's letter to the Roman Church 3:23, 6:23
This is where I risk offending my Pagan pals
(like I already haven't before *G*), but
I believe the above Scriptures. There is
one God, the Triune Yahweh, revealed
primarily through Jesus, secondarily
in the Jewish-Christian Scriptures,
thirdly through Nature & the human soul.
Wicca and Neo-Paganism rely on God's
third-order revelation as primary, seeing the
Jewish-Christian contributions as secondary
at best. To me, Neo-Paganism often
blurs the Creator-Creation distinction
that is primary to Biblical & traditional
theism (Romans 1:24-26), the danger
being the deification of Nature and,
thus, the deification of self.
If God had left us to our own devices,
without a direct word, I would have no
dispute with these faiths, but I believe God
has given us a written word and has lived
among us as The Word- Jesus.
Sin is Biblically defined as the violation
of God's Law (I John 3:4). Neo-Pagans,
when they do acknowledge 'sin', would
define it more as the violation of the
rights of another, including the wanton
misuse of animals and Nature. They tend
not to hold to a "revealed Divine Law"
given by some authority figure and
which would regulate religious beliefs
& practices or consensual adult sex acts.
Biblically, the penalty for sin is death,
physical & spiritual (Genesis
Neo-Paganism sees the penalty as
Karma which must be worked out
in this life and whatever others are
necessary. The Wiccan Rede of
"Harm none and do what thou wilt"
and the Law of Threefold Return
represent but do not exhaust Neo-Pagan thought
regarding morality and sanctions.
Thus, while people may fail, or some even
may be quite evil, they also are responsible
for working out their own redemption
through as many incarnations as it
takes. Essentially, we are seen as our own
saviors, tho God/dess may send us
guides & teachers to help us on the way.
Many neo-Pagans consider the Jewish
prophets, Jesus, his apostles and Jewish &
Christian mystics and humanitarians as such
Divinely-sent guides, but not absolute
spiritual authorities.
While a very few Pagan paths still
practice blood sacrifices, none to my knowledge
do it to expiate sin, as was the practice in
Biblical Israel. Thus, the idea of relying
on the atoning death of Christ to pay for sins
is regarding in much neo-Paganism
as abdicating the responsibility to
correct & make amends for our bad
behaviors. Christ's death is instead
seen as the martyrdom of compassionate
mysticism before fearful organized
religion, and perhaps even a spiritual
rejuvenation of humanity thru the
self-offering of Deity. However,
believing that the best judge of what
His death meant is Jesus Himself,
I see that He indeed regards His blood
as sealing "the New Covenant for the
remission of sins" (Matthew 26:28).
In most neo-Pagan thought, eventually,
"all dogs go to Heaven" *g*.
Over much striving & many lifetimes,
all souls will eventually return to God/dess
or perhaps continue happily learning through
continuous reincarnations. Of course, the
Bible, while offering the saving grace of
Christ to all, does not allow anyone to presume
all will choose to partake of God's Love.
Hebrews 9:27 "It is appointed for all to die
once, then afterwards judgment," forbids us
to presume any further opportunities after this
live, though I Peter 3:18-22, 4:6 do speak
of Christ speaking to "spirits in prison" and
"the Gospel being proclaimed to the dead".
To be honest, I don't like the idea of Hell.
I wish it wasn't in the Bible, but it is.
Jesus taught of Hades (Luke 16:19-31)
(known in Hebrew as Sheol, and
best described as temporal Hell)
and Gehenna (Matthew 18:6-10)
(Jerusalem's burning garbage dump
seen to represent eternal Hell)
in very real & intense terms.
But the most dire warning of Eternal Hell
is Revelation 14:10-11 "(devotees to the Beast)
shall be tormented with fire and brimstone
in the presence of the holy angels and in
the presence of the Lamb (Jesus); and the
smoke of their torment shall rise up for
the aeons of the aeons, and they have no
rest day or night..." Pretty harsh indeed.
there is another understanding of such Scriptures,
one held by the Eastern Orthodox Church, C.S. Lewis
(my patron saint), and many Evangelicals today-
Please read these Scriptures-
Isaiah 30:27-33, 33:10-15, 34:8-10
Hebrews 10:26-31, 12:28-29-
essentially, they present "fire and brimstone"
(the latter, aka sulfur, also used as a fumigating
as symbols of the judging and cleansing presence
of God, the Blast of His Furious Love- in short,
"our God is a consuming fire."
Also, the Greek word for 'torment'- 'basanazo'
actually means "to test for gold by applying a touchstone";
so that those in Gehenna are continually tested for
true spiritual
worth by the flaming fumigating presence of Christ
& His messengers (angels).
All souls may well dwell forever in a realm of
"Perfect Love and Perfect Trust", and some souls
may well find it unbearably horrible.
Please read C.S. Lewis's The Great Divorce,
The Last Battle (Narnia VII), and That
Hideous Strength
for greater understanding of this concept of Hell.
And finally, I can't ignore it, so I gotta explain
Exodus 22:18
"Thou Shalt Not Suffer a Witch to Live."
Yep, it's in the Bible. I firmly believe God meant
it for
Old Testament Israel (a people that had consistent
for the presence of Yahweh God and thus, no excuse
straying after rival 'gods' and forbidden practices).
It basically refers to the execution or exile of
any Israelite who
had become a spiritual Canaanite by worshipping the
gods of Canaan (the Baals and the Asherahs), especially
child sacrifice, shrine harlotry, spirit-mediumship,
divination and spell-weaving (Deuteronomy 18:9-14).
The Hebrew word "me'kishufa" literally seems to mean
"whisperer of spells, enchanter" and the root "kishuf"
may be derived from "Nakhash"-"Serpent". The
term used in the Greek OT Septuagint and the New
for the same thing is "pharmakaios"- one who manipulates
minds through the use of drugs. Against this,
Israel was promised prophetic leaders like Moses
give spiritual guidance and who would enforce the
ban on Canaanite spirituality (seen as adultery against
Yahweh, the Husband of Bridal Israel) (Deut. 18:15-22).
Jesus was the Ultimate Prophet who sent out His apostles
(and the Church in general) to represent Him before
nations with the Good News of Redeeming Love
(Matthew 28:18-20, Acts 3:19-16). If the Old Covenant
Law of God to Israel were in force today, then yes,
many Wiccans and Neo-Pagans could be convicted
& executed under it. However, God's death
penalty on religious crimes was last enforced against
apostate Jerusalem and Satanic Rome in 70 AD
(the Harlot and the Beast of Revelation 17).
Paul modeled Christ's means of "conquering" the
ancient Pagan world in Acts 17, when he
spoke of the Athenians shrines as their attempts
find the God Who has now clearly revealed
Himself in Jesus, and used no weapons but
compassionate rational dialogue.
Thus, my following response to that horrid
period of history known as The Burning Times
and to any misguided "Christians" who think
hatred is an appropriate way to deal with people-
Forgive us-
No. Rather. Don't.
Continue to remind us
that we have sinned against
the light of our Lord Jesus.
Call us to account for
the abominations which our ancestors
wrought in His Holy Name.
But still,
forgive our Lord
for the Burning Times.
Do not hold Him guilty
for our crimes against you.
Though it might seem
He sat in Heaven inactive,
even indulgent
as the Blood-born Bride of the Lamb
became a blood-drunk whore for the Beast.
Know that every cry, every whimper
wrung by rack, gallows or flame
has also been torn from His own heart.
Know also that He shall require
the same from those mad disciples
who so debauched His name,
who so defiled
His image in you all.
Even if, perhaps, some of them
be eventually saved,
their scars shall forever
remind them of their crimes against you
and of the price paid by our Lord
so that none need burn forever
in the Fury of His Rejected Love.
And know, finally, and most of all,
that none of you
shall be permitted to turn from Him,
to forsake Him solely
on the basis of their crimes.
Know surely that each of you
shall see Him as He is,
the Relentless Lover
in Whom both Creator and Creation
are killed and reborn,
Who will settle for nothing less
than to be our Lord
and to have us
to be His Lady.
"Dale (Ted) Cooper", (C)Autumn 1997
written for my friend Sparrow and given to
all my Pagan friends
Friends have suggested I cover these topics-
Depending who one talks with, this can be
regarded as the channeling of Natural, but not often
energies through intensive concentration of Will,
or manipulation/placation of Paranormal/Supernatural
or just ritualized prayer to let God/dess work His/Her
Will in
one's life. The latter view is more consistent
with Christian faith,
but much magick puts one at risk of violating the
of Deuteronomy 18:10-11, especially divination, spell-weaving
and spirit-summoning. I cannot say any of it is all
right or harmless.
But my Pagan friends and I agree to disagree here
(as on many issues *S*).
Many (tho not all) Pagan festivals are seasonal in
origin. In Wicca and European paganisms, the main
festivals are the Seasonal days-
Ostara-Spring Equinox (connected with the
Christian Easter, and the Annunciation to Mary);
Litha-Summer Solstice (the Catholic
St John the Baptist's Day);
Mabon-Autumnal Equinox (the Conception
of John the Baptist);
Yule-Winter Solstice (Christmas, of course!),
and the Cross-quarter days
Imbolc-Oimelc-Brigid-Feb 1/2 (Candlemas-
the Presentation of the Infant Christ in the Temple);
Beltane-May Day-April 30/May 1
(St Walsburga's Day in Germany; Lady's Day;
interestingly, the Communist International Day and
the anniversary of the 1776 founding of the Bavarian
Lammas-Lughnassad-August 1
(the Loaf Mass- the European blessing of the Harvest);
and the MOST IN/FAMOUS *G*
Samhain (pronounced "Sow-in", silly Celts!)-
Celtic New Year-October 31/November 1
Halloween (All Hallows/Saints and All Souls,
also Reformation Day- Luther's 95 Theses presented
in 1517).
My comment- yes, the Church as it spread among the
in Europe adapted their seasonal festivals and imbued
with Christian significance. Good! The more holidays,
the better!
I just hope we get back to keeping the Hebrew festivals
also and
maybe see the Natural-Spiritual linkage of them all!
Anyone who wants to know about the Pagan customs
in modern Christian festivals- just ask a Jehovah's
Witness or
an Armstrongist. But don't expect them to be
as happy
as I about the subject! *L*
Of course, here is some suggested reading-
Pagan books
Scott Cunningham WICCA-A GUIDE FOR THE
Silver RavenWolf TO RIDE A
Christian books
(Hebrew and Greek interlinear
texts, KJV, New KJV,
the Catholic (NEW) JERUSALEM
the out of print [?] Catholic
1950 Msgr. Ronald Knox translation,
and Everett Fox's THE FIVE
Craig S. Hawkings- WITCHCRAFT:
Exploring the World of Wicca
1996, Baker Books, Grand Rapids, MI
C.S. Lewis- almost anything but mainly THE CHRONICLES
Charles Williams- THE GREATER TRUMPS
Father Andrew Greeley- THE MAGIC CUP
Douglas Groothius- NEW AGE series published
by Inter-Varsity
Walter Martin and Hank Hanengraff- THE KINGDOM
(with 'cult' defined as any religion which denies
or distorts the
Christian Gospel. It's a better book that its title.
Dr. Martin's
Christian Research Institute is one of the fairest
& most accurate,
tho far from objective, of Evangelical groups that
other faiths.)
Unfortuantely, there are many Christian books purporting
to expose
Wicca, witchcraft, Satanism, and occultism that are
just loads of crap.
Thus, to prepare oneself for discerning those, I
HIGHLY recommend
Mike Hertenstein & Jon Trott- SELLING
The Tragic History of Mike
Warnke, 1993,
Cornerstone Press, Chicago, IL
Pagan Sites
The Witches Voice
The Celtic Connection
Green Pages Book of Shadows
SummerStorme's Wiccan Gallery
Anti-Anti-Pagan Site
Christian Sites
CRI Hawkins Wicca articles
Cornerstone Warnke articles
Christian FAQ on Wicca
Christian Research Institute
Answers in Action
Blessings and Love and Thanks to all my friends,
Christian and Pagan, who have helped
me develop my thoughts and feelings
that I have now shared. If I start
naming folks, I know I'll leave
out someone so I won't try.