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Don Reed - 11/27/00 21:55:52
My URL:http://www.electreed.com
My Email:dreed@electreed.com

I stumbled upon your site today and decided to take a look. I never realized you were such an "activist". Good Job!

Ross Gardner - 05/02/00 10:29:45
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/seven_lights/
My Email:seven_lights@bigfoot.com

I am just following a web ring and thought that you may be interested in checking out the following site. Its a good way to have your net surfing paid for and it costs nothing. The Rules Have Changed...Be paid to Surf the Web! Join AllAdvantage.com and get paid to surf the Web! Please use my ID nem 052 when asked if someone referred you. Thanks! http://au.nz.alladvantage.com/go.asp?refid=nem052

Susan - 04/14/00 17:07:31
My Email:ChiChi12345678910@yahoo.com

I like chesse

Ashley - 04/14/00 17:03:38
My Email:FuNkMOnk34@aol.com

Gods cool

Magdalena Jones - 03/27/00 00:07:53
My Email:wiseone12@hotmail.com

I am starving for the REAL TRUTH! I am feeling spiritually bankrupt. I went to a meeting at a Kingdom Hall today, and I feel my soul replentishing. I have never, until today felt so at peace in my quest for answers. It saddens me to know that the "leaders in the pulpit have used the "truth" for financial gain. I have been pressured to do what I could not afford to do. I had been saddened that the persons "preaching" fire and brimstone would not practice what they "preached". They knew it "all" and called themselves "reverened"....I feel one step closer to Jehova. I am taking baby steps to get to him. However, I know he is a loving God, and will not forsake me while I walk the path to reach him. Thank you for your website. I hope that I have not said anyth ng that proves to be offensive to you....Sincerely, Magdalena Jones

John Brooks - 11/02/99 01:42:00
My Email:Thegate@gateway.net

Great web site! I will probably talk to you soon, with and abended IRI job at ERC. Your fellow servant in Christ, John Brooks

Doron Tal - 07/31/99 15:14:44
My URL:/CapitolHill/9302/
My Email:stop_abuse@geocities.com

Just surfed from your Athens/Cyprus/2754 page, and would agree that we are told to watch, pray, witness and worship the almighty, not play games with calculators and see if we can speculate when he is coming, or how that will happen.

Richard Hagerman - 06/19/99 00:09:58
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Parliament/5560/RichardHager/index.html
My Email:richard_hagerman@yahoo.com

I am interested in the relationship between religion and politics, myself. I haven't thorough- ly purused your sights yet, but, I am pretty sure that I we are not exactly on the same page. In other words I am probably not as idealistic, fun- damentalist and conservative as yourself but that is O.K. because I am deeply sympathetic to ideal- ists, fundamentalists, and conservatives although I find those positions to be impractical. Be that as it may, how can a person not be impressed by someone who truly believes in what they are say- ing as those folks do. I say, God love you for being so sincere. By the way, I don't know if you remember me, but you sent me an e-mail offering to give me advise on my web-site at www.geocities.com/Cap- itolHill/Parliament/5560/RicharHager/index.html. I just wanted to say thanks, I appreciate it, and I will take you up on that offer sometime. From taking just a quick glance at your sites, I can tell that you know what you are doing. Well, I'll sign off for now. So long and thanks once again.

Chris Porteous - 06/07/99 18:09:07
My Email:porteous@pacbell.net

I got your welcome e-mail and desided to visit your page, it's great, I like the way you think. I will need some help in the future and would like to talk to you. Do you have ICQ ? cp parliament/3156

Chris Porteous - 06/07/99 18:07:28
My Email:porteous@pacbell.net

I got your welcome e-mail and desided to visit your page, it's great, I like the way you think. I will need some help in the future and would like to talk to you. Do you have ICQ ? cp parliament/3156

ralph Brandt - 05/09/99 23:04:05
My Email:brandtre@draaw.net

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