Welcome to my new webpage. Since a lot has changed in the past few years, this site needed some revision. Go here for some of my favourite places on the Internet and some of my recent musings.
Today's date is March 14, 2003. There might be a Toronto Raptors basketball game, my break from a grinding routine as a step-father, husband, and research ethics officer at McMaster university. We also enjoy watching ice skating and the current fad is "America's Funniest Home Videos." Those are really gut wrenching funny! Living in Korea was great and I like to keep in touch with the great fellow ex-pats I met over there. Frank M. Tedesco is back in the United States with his Korean family after God or Buddha knows how long living there. Robert Koehler just finished is MA in Korean Studies and continues to teach English, this time in Kwangju. We'd like to hear more from him too.