Information for you.....
Pam Nutt
Welcome to
Education 428/429.
Methods of Teaching Social Studies
for Early and Middle Grades.

July 14th Begin working on web brochure and complete study guides for chapters 1, 2, and 3.

July 19th    Finally get to meet you!  We will review study guides, website and answer any questions for this class.  Continue to work on web brochure.  Also, work on developing a resume.  Use mine as a template or check website. Complete study guides for chapters 4 and 5.

July 21st.  Director of Personnel for the Henry County School System will be our guest speaker.  Bring any questions, resumes' or ideas to class.  A resume' is part of history.  It will chart your growth in the educational field.  You Do Not Have To Turn This In To Dr. Binkney.  This Is A Start For You.  It does need to be in your notebook.  The style and content is up to you.
Thanks, Ms. Moss for coming tonight!  You're the coolest cat in town.
Please check this website every Monday and Wednesday for new class information.
Thank you for being such a wonderful group! If you are not sure of the task, just email me.  Also, don't worry if you don't know how to do a specific task.  That is why I'm here.... to help you learn.  Those of you who are a little shakey on technology will have the skills by the end of the class.  It'll only take 5 minutes :)    Relax and enjoy this class. 
What is a Teacher Tip?  A Teacher Tip is an idea that will help motivate the classroom.  For example, give students a 100 points on Monday.  Take away points for unacceptable behavior.  At the end of the week, give students a treat if they have 80 or more points.

Each person will need to bring three Teacher Tips to class.  Be prepared to share.  Bring a visual if possible.