Holy Cross Parish
Suggestion Box

A Suggestion Box has been placed at either entrance of the Church for you, the parishioners, to provide Pastoral Council with your comments about what you like at Holy Cross, make suggestions for improvements or ask questions.  The Executive Committee, consisting of the Pastoral Council Chair, Vice-chairs, Pastor and Administrative Coordinator will review the suggestions and deal with them as they deem appropriate.  Forms are available at the boxes or use this one.  Copy and paste this form onto an email message, or print this form out and drop it into the collection basket on Sunday.
What I like about Holy Cross is: 

My suggestion for making Holy Cross better is: 

I would like to know: 

Date ____________________________    Name_____________________________________________ 
(Optional, but would be helpful should we wish to contact you for clarification of your comments.)


Holy Cross Parish
315 Douglas Avenue East
Regina, Saskatchewan  S4N 1H7
Phone:  757-1325
Fax:  757-8641

Please come back soon and visit us.