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The Asia Pacific Sociological Association (APSA) was formally established in 1997.  There was a desire amongst social scientists to  create a forum through which the diversity and dynamism of social research and social science teaching in the Asia Pacific region could be recognised.  It was considered important to enhance networks between regional social science practitioners.  Since its inception the Association has regularly held conferences which have successfully provided such a forum for the exchange of ideas and experiences and have assisted in consolidating and expanding relationships.  The first conference was held in Manila at the University of the Philippines in 1996.  Sinec that time APSA has staged 4 conferences in different countries in the Asia Pacific region.

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - 1997
Cheju, South Korea - 1999
Kobe, Japan - 2000.

Our next conference is planned for 4-7 July 2001 in Brisbane, Australia - see

The goals of the APSA are:

to establish a network to link sociological associations, sociology departments and individual sociologists in the Asia Pacific region;

to provide information and contacts using such means as the Internet and newsletters;

to act as a clearing house for co-operation in teaching, research and other professional activities; to promote and assist the publication of social research focussing upon the region;

to encourage co-operation between sociologists, planners and policy makers at both the regional and community level;

to hold regular regional conferences, seminars and workshops.


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Last updated: 26 November 2001