Vivian Lehman 1996

Vivian Lorraine Lehman

13215 Twin Oaks Drive, Balch Springs, TX 75180 (214) 718-9977 and (972) 286-2898



Graduate Studies toward Masters Degree in History
Texas A&M University-Commerce (1999-2000)

Bachelor of Science Degree: Double Major in History and Geography
Texas A&M University-Commerce (December 1998)

Work Experience:


United States Dept of Commerce, Bureau of the Census
Dallas Regional Census Center, Dallas, TX 73035
Position: Field Representative (August 2001 to present)

Co-Authored 15 volumes in the book series "No Land . . . Only Slaves!; Slave Records Abstracted from the Deed Books of the Ark-La-Tex" volume 1-15.


United States Dept of Commerce, Bureau of the Census
Field Division; Dallas Regional Census Center, Dallas, TX 73035 [Dallas South Office: #3035]

Position: Field Operation Crew Leader 404 (April 9-June 17)
Transfer/Promotion to Accuracy & Coverage Evaluation [A C E]:
Position: A C E Enumerator (June 18-July 1)
Promotion to Position of A C E Crew Leader 5109 (July 2- Aug 10)
Promotion to Position of A C E Non Response Conversion Specialist. (to end of NRCO Program-10 Aug)


1999-2002: A R E: Ancestral Research Expediting. POB 360806, Dallas, Texas 75336-0806


1996-1999: State of Texas. Texas A & M University-Commerce, Commerce, Texas 75429
[Student Work-Study Program: Gee Library, Circulation Dept.]
East Texas Women's Association: Position: Part-Time Secretary (1996, 1997).
Gee Library, Circulation Department: Position: Stacks (1997, 1998, 1999)

1994-1999: Greenville Family History Center, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Utah St., Greenville, TX:
Position: Staff Genealogist: Training Specialist (1996, 1997, 1998, 1999)
Position: Staff Genealogist: Patron Services Specialist (1994, 1995)


Community Service:

Life Saving & CPR certification. 1996.
Dallas Public Library, Volunteer, Dallas county Court Document Preservation Project.
Dallas Historical Society, Volunteer. 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005.
Dallas Genealogical Society, Volunteer. 1997, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003.
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (1979 to 2006)
Teacher: Taught classes to teen-aged girls (6 years).
taught 12 year old boys (1 year).
taught 8 year old children (1 year).
taught nursery aged children for (2 years).
Secretary: Sunday School
Relief Society (Women's Organization)

Young Women Organization
Family History Consultant & Family History Center Staff

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