Magick Herbs
Do not eat any
Ash : Psychic dreams
Basil: Peace, happiness, protection, Purification
Bay: Meditation, protection
Burdock: Protection, purification
Carnation: Annointing, blessing, healing
Cedar: Banishing, good luck, peace, happiness, purification
Cinnamon: Divination, good luck, healing, meditation, protection.
Clove: Banishing, healing
Elder: Banishing, Blessing, purification
Fern: banishing
Fir: peace, happiness, protection
Heather: protection
Hawthorn: protection
Jasmine: Balance, Anointing, Good luck, Peace, happiness, meditation, Protection
Juniper: protection
Lavender: Peace, happiness, healing, Purification
Lilac: Peace, happiness, healing
Lily of the valley: Anointing, peace, Happiness, protection
Marigold: Divination
Mint: Good luck
Myrrh : Anointing, healing, meditation, Purification
Nutmeg: Divination, good luck, meditation
Orange: Balance, Peace, Happiness, Healing
Patcholi: Banishing, Peace, Happiness, healing, Protection
Pepper: Protection, Purification
Pine: Protection, Purification
Rose: Anointing, Balance, Banishing, Divination, Peace, Happiness
Rosemary: Anpointing, Blessing, courage, peace, happiness, protection, purification
Salt: Protection, purification
Sandalwood: Healing
Thyme: Divination, Purification
Vervain: Anointing, Banishing, Good luck, Peace, Happiness, Protection, Purification
Violet: Banishing, Good luck
Wisteria : Meditation
Yarrow: Banishing, Divination, Protection