(2-2)  Concerning the great opportunity of the inflowing Taurean energies. (20-11-1999,  Sitting and Writing Bull )

It has been stated,  that love is the great revealer, and doubt the great killer of  psychic energy. In attempt to balance between  fact and wishful thinking we shall now try to ellaborate on some statements from the writings of Alice A. Bailey, especially with regard to consequences. The topical reason  or (according to the Agni Yoga teaching) "the great danger,  hence the great opportunity",  is the obvious  need of a shift  from materialism  to spiritualism, combined with the great opportunity based on the fact that the energies of the constellation Taurus for the next year will facillitate the transformation of the Bull of Desire into the Bull of Will, collectively as well as individually,  so that the  process at least will be initiated prior to the direct impact of the synthetic Shamballa energies on Humanity at the fullmoon of Taurus in May 2000.

In The Externalisation of the Hierachy by Alice A. Bailey, we are told (p.580) that after the introductury work in relation to the externalisation process has been done by three major ashrams, an advanced third ray disciple called the "adjuster of finances" appears to continoue this work. In the context it is stated, that he will find the world situation changed in many ways. E.g. will the world economy be based on a system of barter and exchange plus one universal monetary currency replacing the present multitude, and national material assets and the needed commodities will be provided for by an entirely new system. Also there will be no need for labour as we now know it, since the benefits of a kind of atomic energy then has been set free by a group of fifth ray workers.

In the first appendix to the book The Rays and The Initiations, also by Alice A. Bailey and at the  termination of thirty years of planned work for the tibetan D.K., she asks  what he considers to be the most important spiritual events at that  moment (around 1949) and he lists five aspects of the changes of human living and capacity, that will precipitate and make the way for another two aspects, namely the  the closer approach of the Hierachy and the imminent Return of the Christ.  It is then stated, that within two generations (counted from 1949) Humanity has to deal with the evil, that holds the world in thrall, and with finality of the decision choose between materialism and spiritualism. It is stated (p.741) that if Humanity succed in renouncing its present material objectives, this would  prepare the way for a great revelation, and the statement continoues: "The comming of the Christ Himself is not the revelation which is to be accorded", but that He will simplify the thinking of men so that a widespread illumination and recognition of the revelation will be possible. The use of The Great Invocation will be helpful, too. But it is said (in the  very beginning of the appendex) that the Crusifixion and Resurrection of the Christ in itself is "however -  from the angle of the great lodge of Sirius - only a minor one" though the subsequent revelation supply lasting effects. We are told elsewhere, that the Christ this time will implement a new divine principle on Earth, aided by the overshadowing of the extra-planetary Avatar of Synthesis, just like He Himself overshadowed his great disciple Jesus in the darkest days of the Roman Empire.  (In fact Christ  never has left the Earth, and is at the moment waiting somewhere in Asia, we have often been told).

What is the specific content of this great revelation, one could now ask. It is of course not included in the appendix mentioned above. Is it e.g. our  collective recognition of the angelic or deva kingdom, that will enable us to cooperate in many fields, and achieve healing and instructions on many aspects, hitherto unknown to the majority ( we remember, that Taurus exoterically is said to govern the throat and ears (hearing) -  and that communication with the devas is through sound and colour) ? Could it be, that we will be set free from work as well as disease, by such instructions originating from the deva kingdom  (our use of electricity is in fact allready an example of such a ritual, even if not so recognised by its users, and healing with the aid of devas is definitely part of the Plan for the Aquarian  Age as is often mentioned)?

We have often in the writings of Alice. A. Bailey been told, that we or rather the totality of  our solar system is  part of a greater system, with the star Sirius as the major center. In fact the Law of Karma is just a law that eventually will enable us to be autonome beings similarly to the Humanity of Sirius, and our Hierachy is controlled and part of the Great White Lodge of Sirius. Will we simply be allowed to recognise our place in the universe, and as part of this receive proof beyond any doubt, that we are not habitating the only living planet, that there are in fact human beings all over the galaxy (defined e.g. as beings with a certain degree of consciousness  and livingness), and we now had reached the level of consciousness where such information could safely be passed on to the public, along with a number of related informations ?

The most beautiful vision is also the simplest: a combination of all this. Suppose that the message (originating from Sirius or from our alter ego, the Venus system, or from  what ever...) concerning our place in the galaxy would be accompagnied by a concrete instruction of how to cooperate with the deva kingdom, in order to applay an aspect of atomic or etheric  energy that would set Humanity free from material needs  once and for all, due to access of unlimmited energy resources, and at the same time, by its very content far beyond the borders of todays scientific achievements on Earth, deliver the proof of the source and the  validity of the rest of the message. As the Avatar of Synthesis e.g. will not go below the mental plane (we are told by Alice A. Bailey), one could expect a kind of overshadowing of e.g. the New Group of World Servers, perhaps stepped down or circulated via the Christ (perhaps even prior to his physical approach to Humanity), rather than a direct physical approach  (not realy a problem if materialism has been transcended), though the results would be applicable right down to the physical world, with immense materiel implications.

I realy don't know what to believe or hope for in this matter, but fortunately the future will show what is the case. Perhaps we should just terminate this Taurean excourse by congratulating the Blair family with their expectations of another child - just as Tony Blair the child is perhaps to be born around the Atime of year called the month of May, which is  governed by Taurus, and thus as good as any other time of the year.
(2-3)  The interpretation of the Houses in Esoteric Astrology (27-11-1999, The Chattering Ape)

According to D.K. (see Alice A. Bailey, Esoteric Astrology, p.510-11) the higher correspondences to the material realities, for which the houses stand in exoteric astrology, may be worked out in a straight forward manner. As an illustration we shall attempt to applay the method, considering the third house and applayed to the chart of the individual, only. There may be obvious generalizations to groups, Kingdoms and larger wholes.

If we e.g. use the themes suggested by Alan Leo in How to Judge  Nativity, p.159: "brethren and relatives, short journeys, the mind" we may list some possible correspondences:

a) brethren and relatives = karmic group,  group of coworkers within the New Group of World Servers, and ashramic relationships

b)  short journeys = use of Third Eye faculties (horizontally), use of the Antahkarana (vertically), perhaps also the general tendency or ability to project higher aspects from the body (preferably during sleep even if momentarily, when e.g. the divisible spirit is needed elsewhere)

c) the mind (concrete mind,  opposed to physical body and emotions) =  the spiritual mind, the organ of vision, the lowest  aspect of the higher triad (opposed to the atmic will and buddhic intuition, in the first two houses)

Alan Leo also says (op.cit.p.158) that "in the third house we consider all that relates to movement, transition and change". In the esoteric sciences this aspect is called the third aspect, and is related to the personality/form/appearance rather than the soul/quality or the spirit/life,  when we consider the horoscope for the individual human unit. The third aspect in general is however governed by the Mutable  Cross, at the moment with the Gemini constallation as dominating, we are told by D.K., and here we have an indication of the correctness of the analogy, since a close correspondence between the third sign Gemini (of the reversed Zodiac) and the third house would be expected.

As an exercise in the affirmative and empirical study of karmic groups and the Law of Action and Reaction, or the Law of Karma, it can be observed, that everybody seem to participate in several groups working out various aspects of the Plan, and even when at a high cost, thus eventually (though frequently only in later incarnations) succeding  in  enhancing  and ameliorating the living conditions or the quality of life, not only to the members of the group in question but to all of  Humanity. Some learn by doing wrong, some learn by the imposed suffering as others do wrong, and many learn just from observing the wrongdoing. When the direction of the planned evolution is initiated by the Knowers of the Plan, the implications are eventually what we call right or good. Similarly evil is simply the opposing those intended changes. Thus, using the Sokratic doctrin: right knowledge leads to (or is in fact the criteria for) right action (the Republic or Politeias of Plato may be considered as an allegory of Humanity directed by the Hierachy via its disciples, thus respecting both the free will of Humanity, illusive as it may be except in the time equation, and still with eventual guarantee of succes,  in implementing the divine Plan, received and adapted from Shambala at spiritual levels).

The methods for communication between various aspects  of the  individual or group all belong to the Science of Impression (cf. the books of Alice A. Bailey), whether related to meditation, telepathy or projection of thoughtforms. At this point it should be mentioned, that the use of group meditation as a kind of parabolic antenna (perhaps not so mysterious after all, when compared to the  development within radio and television transmission) will be part of the rituals of the new (and within the first part of the Aquarian Age globally recognized) world religion, the embryo of which is allready prevailing. At the fullmoon of Gemini a global group meditation will be directed by the Christ - as by the Buda at the Wesak Festival at the fullmoon of  Taurus - and in general  the significance of the fullmoon period  (the day of the fullmoon plus two days before and two days after), with its opportunities of individual and group approach to the Hierachy of Masters (otherwise too busy), will increasingly be known and utilized by the public.

(2-4)  The aftermath of fear and trembling  (5-12-1999,  Thomas D.)

Uranus in the fourth house is not a good sign, they say. It might indicate sudden death of some kind, they say. Alan Leo offers an escape door:  if there are mystical or occult inclinations, it might be another death, death of a lower aspect of some kind, as the lower  is transferred into a higher. But the one does not exclude the other.

They also say, that death has lost its finality, hence  its dreadfull perspectives. It is commonly accepted now, that death is  a birth into a higher world, we return from after due analysis of experiences,  gained in the physical world. To some extend one may visit friends and family,  even communicate quite normally with the socalled living, when they have left the body during sleep. They might remember sometimes, get a glimse in a dream.  But how can one belive what they say, when there is no scientific proof of the continuation of individual life.

The situation is similar to that of  Soeren Kierkegaard, who didn't hear any convincing voices (though his own family thought him insane). At least he clinged to the mind for some time. But then he remembered the story of Abraham, who was told by the Angel of God to kill his only son, Isak.

How could he know, that it was the Angel of God and not a dark agent. In fact he couldn't, but he continoued.  And so did Kierkegaard,  with his thinking and writing. Perhaps he used his pseudonymity as a protective shield, a kind  of detachment.

The modern occultism entered the scene of public life some fifty years after Kirkegaard wrote his Fear and Trembling. There came still no proof. But at least one could read some explanations. The Masters K.H.  and M. wrote in 1880 a number of letters, assisted by H.P. Blavatsky,  and The Mahatma Letters to A.P.Sinnet was later  published.
Much has happened since H.P.Blavatsky lighted the tourch in the East and brough the light to the West. The policy of the adepts are perhaps still the same, they usually don't make any claims in public, we are told, and make no spectacular proof of their powers. So we have to handle our anxiety with detachment, and accept that it is better to act on good intentions than just sit and wait for guidance. When the danger is great, we are told, the aid is always close  (e.g. invisible helpers). We might do wrong anyhow, but as allways the Law of Karma will help us correct the faults.

The following quotation of  a small part of a letter from K.H. (the Master of Alice A.Bailey)  to A.P.Sinnet (a british journalist on the newspaper the Pioneer on distant Ceylon, now Shri Lanka)  is taken from the first Mahatma-letter mentioned above, and written at the very beginning of the externalisation process, where, as in  anscient Greece, the adepts were doing their maieutic work in semi-public:

"You say - half London would be converted if you could deliver them a Pioner on its day of publication. I beg to say that if people believed the thing true they would kill you before you could make the round of Hyde Park; if it were not believed true, the least that could  happen would be the loss of your reputation and good name,  -  for propagating such ideas. ....  without a thorough knowledge of Akas, its combination and properties, how can Science hope to account for such phenomena.  ...  As for human nature in general, it is the same now as it was a million years ago: Prejudice based upon selfishness; a general unwillingness to give up an established order of things for new modes of life and thought ...  Test after test would be required and would have to be furnished; every subsequent phenomenon expected to be more marvelous than the preceding one. ..."

The alchemy of the heart does not provide spectacular phenomenons to the narrowsighted, and only the dark agencies will allow themselves to convince their followers by such magical methods, sweet poison  serving as proof of their hollow prospects with dire consequences.

What is happening today on the world scene is indeed still a clashing a forces, but out of the ashes is allready visible the beautifull bird of the next millenium. There is nothing mystic in white magic, that eventually will transform the world. The word magic simply means making or creating.  Such work often deals with the production of thoughtforms, that will manifest with intended results.  An important difference between white magic and magic of  the charlatan or sorcerer is to be found in its motivation: does it aim at the common good or is it made for egoistic purposes. The heart will elliminate any mixed motive.  One could add, that  Alice A. Bailey, in her book  A Treatise on White Magic has declared, that when the public oppinion is governed by reason and not by emotions, then the true magical work can begin.
 (2-5) The element of fire - first approach  (8-12-1999,  Half-Nelson)

On the Return of the Wheel the element of fire takes over the purificative role of the element of water. One may realize at first that God is a consuming fire, burning away all dross - afterwards, we are told, comes the fires that does not burn.

The tibetan Master D.K. has often emphasized the need of courage in the would-be server, as it takes courage to adjust our lives  to the need of the hour and the service of mankind (see e.g. Discipleship in the New Age, vol. 2, p. 42, by Alice A. Bailey).  He also speakes of active harmlessness.

Albert Einstein has said,  one should attempt  expressing Truth as simple as possible, but no simpler. He also rejected God throwing dice.

In Letters of Helena Roerich 1935-39, we read:
"I do not agree with you that eloquence is so essential. It is not a bad asset, but that is all. Of most importance is the quality of one's  aura. ... two or three words spoken from the heart by a bearer of a luminous aura may transform the one that comes into touch with him." (p.19) ..."Never try to dissuade skeptics. The teaching cannot be lowered by their non-acceptance or elevated by their acceptance. Truth speaks for itself." (p.280)

We have been told by the Tibetan, that in the the preliminary phase of the Externalisation of the Hierachy,  most of the preparative service activities within the New Group of World Servers are of an educational nature. Hence there is no need for excuses  -  only beauty and joy.
 (2-6) On beauty in relations  (12-12-1999,  Mary Krismas)

Plato was quite fond of matematics, in spite of using it humorously in the dialogues. In those days the mysteries were veiled in symbol and secrecy, but mathematics has also been called the kingly road to  intuition. In anscient Greece  the term connoted in fact a spectator to the rites of  mystery, hence a first approach to esoterism. Recently mathematics (in its pure form, I guess) has been characterized as "beauty in relations", an aspect of the second ray, by the Tibetan.

We have been told, that the direct impact of Shambala energy on the planet  in the year 1942 a.C.  represented, not only the end of a Kali Yoga, but in fact the termination of a much larger cycle. Such direct impact on Humanity had not been attempted since the days of  Atlantis, and was used here only once, as the struggle between the the Forces of Light and the  Forces of Materialism culminated prior to the cataclysm. After the world wars the Shambala impact was used in 1975,  and will be used again ultimo  May 2000, we are told.

Within the  scientific institutions just around 1975, the renewed interest in old problems of inconsumerability, introduced to the public by the pythagoreans, lead to a focus of the socalled fractal, a mathematical structure that can be used for emulating complex phenomenons and processes of nature, and simple  examples (as  the socalled "Island of the Seahorse" combined with a computer manufactored colouring technique) illustrate the beauty in relations arising from  simple questions.

The simplest fractals are probably the socalled selfsimilar fractals, containing within in themselves minor copies of the wholes. Such stuctures are inded also usefull when trying to make esoterism more comprehensible. As a first approach to such structures and processes  the symbols of esoterism are unique.

When  reading  the Secret Doctrine of H.P.Blavatsky, or  the sciptures of the anscient religions, one is however often puzzeled about the many blinders placed there for protective reasons. Blavatsky said that decoding a symbol is like solving an equation. But if we consider any equation with a number of variables, a question naturally arises: what kind of items may replace the variables. To some extend  it depends on the context of application, but some keys may be found. The books of Geoffry Hodson contain a number of concrete suggestions in relation to the anscient language of the mystics in general. The writings of Alic A. Bailey delivers also an  abstract  psychological key and partially an astrological key to the writings of Blavatsky. Also the writings of Helena Roerich can throw new light on old problems.

If we for a moment consider the holy tetraktys, this pythagorean symbol of the decade, as a key to the duration of cycles (like the yugas) or a key to creation in general, we notify at first the process, where the first outpouring of Deity  may be considered as a differentiation in matter (the feminine or form principle) and spirit (the masculine principle) leading to the creation of the third that shall be second (the Chirst or son principle), and finally a selfsimilar repetition leading to the diversity and multitude of the lower quaternary, or for short Nature (as in the philosophy of Spinoza).

The feminine principle, whether cosmic, systemic or planetarian, is again anchored in a form (to speak almost Aristotelic). The mother of Jesus, the Holy Mary, was in those days an adept on the sixth ray. Today she has entered the deva-evolution with status of chohan, and is perhaps one of the greath devas the Tibetan mentioned will accompagny the Christ, when He reappears. This greath feminine deva godess has Her representatives present, as told by Geoffry Hodson, whenever a child is born, protecting mother and child in this difficult but very important momentum of life.

The goal for  the  evolution of consciousness as often stated has integration into larger and larger wholes, both vertically and horizontally. Up to now,  the purpose of religions has been stated  primarily as to educate certain groups or nations along certain lines (until the soul of the individual take over). Thus the feminine representatives,  Isis (= emotions),  Eve (= mind) and  Mary  (= personality),  represent stages towards the integrated personality, the form needed by the overshadowing soul.  In the new world religion, the importance of the role of the feminine principle will be reemphasized, we are told,  and a quite visible preliminary expression of this, according to Helena Roerich, is the increasing status and influence of the women all over the world during this century. Also the speach of the late Mother Theresa, delivered at the Nobel Peace Price ceremony a few years ago, could be taken into account of the realized need of respecting motherhood, the best guarantee of  respecting childhood, too, and eventually a due respect for all living creatures, not respect  for the form as such, but for the One Life galvanizing every form.

(2-7) At the turning point of Ezekiel's Wheel, cf. H.P.Blavatsky's  Isis Unveiled,  p.454-466  (18-12-1999,  L. Ibrahim)

It has been stated that the Solar Logos and the Planetarian Logos (God,  in the symbolism of the Old respectively the New Testamente of the Christian Bible) are, in this period, both passing through a major initiation (that is, an expansion of Their correspondence to consciousness),  planet Earth  thus becoming a sacred planet,  causing much upheaval to the planetarian life,  but also offering great opportunity,  if Humanity (the true mediator between the superhuman and subhuman kingdoms) can keep the balance between spirit and matter.

One of the clear signs of change towards greater harmony is perhaps  the increased number of people in the world today actually possessing a freedom from materialism and the ability to participate in the  right circulation and distribution of the physical plane energies. It concerns the right use of money (a great spiritual asset, which we shall have to learn handling in a globally balanced manner), of the right comprehension of the purpose of the sex-relation (where many great world servers seem to  show the way, ridding the dualistic tradition of  St.Paul and St.Augustin, bringing the spirit right down to physical plane living, with e.g. new demands to the ideal of matrimony), and its synthesis in the  purpose of legal laws (from punishment to positive rights, at first within Humanity, but with obvious implications for the rest of nature and environment - cf. the topical failure of the WTO conference in Seatle, as well as the moderate successes  of the UN-conferences in Rio de Janero and Copenhagen in recent years). We here perhaps recognise the general principles, that we have been told the New Age is to be build upon (cf. Alice A.Bailey's  The Externalisation of the Hierachy, p.206-7): the principle of sharing, the principle of cooperation and the principle of reponsibility. These principles will be accepted by any person of goodwill, and in a scientific way establish the unity within diversity that eventually result in the recognised unity of Humanity, including the needed political and economic structures.

The balancing of the many pairs of opposites along the Path of Evolution in the life of an individual (as well as with respect to larger wholes),  is always greatly assisted  by the Law of Karma,  aiming at the autonomy which we have been told in the writings of Alice A. Bailey  is the sine qua non of  human living in the system of  the great star Sirius, which is also supervising our solar system - autonomy being  a concept precipitated, in embryo, to the public by Spinoza, Rousseau and Kant centuries ago,  hence an example of those ideas belonging to the aspect of superconsciousness  which Pantanjalis denoted  the raincloud of knowable things  (perhaps the thin red line within modern philosophy, apart from the rocks of the concrete mind). We might remember, that even if the Truth is eternal, yet - as Master M. once said to Helena Roerich - the Hierachy will change its approach according to need , such as the change of language, meaning approximately every ten years. The Hierachy will - as Master D.K. expressed through Alice A. Bailey - always use a form suited to the time and place. As the direct link between Humanity and the Hierachy,  the many groups working within the New Group of World Servers should probably emulate such goalfitness, too, when implementing the Plan in the world.

 (2-8)  New millennium - and so what ... !   (12-1-2000, Sophia W. Restling)
According to western conventions we now enumerate the year cycle by the number 2000,  and on the western dominated television network we congratulated ourselves by this great event, and transported cameras and fireworks to the farthest parts of the world to show the paying western world how this epocal incident is shared by all of Humanity. Let it be a minor consolation, that the invention of fireworks goes back to the East - and most likely the cameras were produced in the same hemisphere.

The millennium do represent a greater cycle, as does the number ten raised to any power, a first ray cycle to be precise. However the initiation of such cycles not always coincide with the calendar of Christianity or other  world religons.

A cycle of great interest is the cycle of involution (spirit imprisoning itself in matter) and evolution (spirit liberating itself from matter), and though there is periods of flod and ebb in the life of every organism, these greater cycles will always dominate,  whether we consider an individual, a kingdom of nature or even larger wholes.

When we consider the aspirant of the world today, slowly being absorbed into the work of the New Group of World Servers,  at the beginning of his upwards climbing along the Path of Liberation, he (or rather his soul-monad) will assumably have as a goal the achieving  of two or even three expansions of consciousness during the next greater cycle, the Age of Aquarious, just started. At the beginning he will still be the rather selfish, hardly integrated unit, sometimes called a determining personality, but the goal (unconsciously at first) will be the group-conscious, soul-infused personality  or conditioning soul,  a genuine world disciple, and the Law of Karma will in general be of great assistance, letting the soul precipitate the needed crises to assure  recalling of experience, leading to test and eventual triumph. These expansions will and should enable the unit to shoulder a greater burden for Humanity.

At this stage the human unit traverses each of the three decanates of Scorpio three times during some cycle of incarnations on the reversed wheel, summing up to a totality of nine, which is also the number of heads of the hydra, which Hercules - the would-be disciple - has to conquer, according to anscient greek myth. First we have to deal with the animal appetites (often reduced to the concepts of sex, money and comfort,  when selfishly applied), then comes the astro-mental  desires (fear, hatred and ambition) with its automatic physical effects, and finally we will have to deal with the remainder of the selfish personalithy, now primarily related to the selfwill of the lower mind (pride, separativeness and personality power through mental cruelty), and replaced by the divine will as it is invocated, using the now complete antahkarana. In order to handle the three groups of fetters of the lower worlds, the soul has to learn which aspects of karma could and should be worked off in which way. This also corresponds to the stages of the mystic, the occultist and their synthesis, the white magician. At every stage, the goal is to establish right relations,  horisontally to Humanity and the physical world and vertically to the soul. So is the Plan for the disciple on the fixed cross in the first part of the Aquarian Age. Later, the stages of identification with the monad will also become part of the discipleship training, as the levels of consciousness within Humanity in general increase.

Humanity as a whole is right now fighting its appetites, and just as in Plato's Republic the goal is sophrosyne (or modesty) for the majority in the West: we have to realise, that there is plenty to everyone, if we will share - and let the mind be entlighted from above -  but of course, first of all, the heads of the hydra has to be risen into the air, before they can be cut off. As the king of Bhutan said recently: ... gross-national happiness is more important than gross-national product. Or as Dalai Lama has said: The goal of material progress is inner peace, and to achieve this money is necessary, but money alone will not do, also what could be called spirituality is needed.

In response to the celebration of the new millennium, many commentators on worldwide television has expressed the opinion, that there seem to be a general expectation in Humanity of something radically new to arise. Something has gone under, and will not rise again,  said Mihail Gorbachev, and a new age has started, but we still cannot see the fixpoints of this new age, so perhaps we should start make a catalogue of those values and interpretations of freedom we want to emphasise initially, in this new age. And then look forward. We still may be burdened with the flaws and faults of the past, and much could and should be learned from these mistakes, but also we have to remember: the past cannot be changed, only the future. And we all share in responsibility that the new world become a better world to all of Humanity.

(2-9) On the importance of the teaching given out by Alice A. Baiely, on the building of the Antahkarana.  (5-2-2000, W.H.W.Y.G.)
If we study rule XII and rule XIII (and perhaps the appendix) in The Rays and Initiation, by Alice A. Baiely (a wonderful treatise, also containing  most of the teaching on building the Antahkarana) we might suppose, that the directed purpose to Sanat Kumara  (Melkizedec of the Old Testament), the head of Shambala, asumably from Sirius (whose logos, we are told, have an extraordinary close relation to the personality aspect of our logos represented by Sanat Kumara, the tinyness of this planetarian system in the vast Sirlian system of seven solar systems taken into account),  concern the number of ten (already having consumated nine), but in a way similar to that of an Arhat on this planet, manifesting the beauty, harmony and synthesis of the three aspects directly on the physical plane, in this case however on a higher turn of the spiral. Both play thus a key role, even if just a cell in a much larger system, as we shall see.
We are told that to demonstrate the beauty of Arhatship on Earth, the candidate should build something of lasting benefice and significance for the whole planet, and similarly destroy hindrances with global consequences. He also has to visit "the Eighth Sphere" (this domaine of the past, where the soulless bodies are relegated when  no other redemption seem possible) to assist those who ask for help to the final dissolving. There are however also many secrets in the life of an Arhat, which is an attempt to ballance and synthesise all three aspects in one, usually physical incarnation, and do so in a way spectacular to the watching public (a synthesis that not always succed in first attempt, we are told in Heart by Helena Roerich).
The first ray has not yet been one of the five periodically rays, in direct and prolonged manifestation on this physical globe, but will very soon be so, due to the fact that the group of accepted disciples, by building their individual Antahkaranas are creating the planetarian Antahkarana, linking the Shambala with Humanity directly -  and safely. Along this Antahkarana will eventually come the revelation of the purpose of the incarnation of Sanat Kumara, the secret of life itself. It will also asure that the planet will come under the sway of the first aspect with eventual redemption of the planet, which again holds the most peculiar and farreaching consequences. We have in fact been told (in A Treatise on Cosmic Fire by Alice A. Bailey) that the eventual synthesis of the Earth holds the key in the next and final solar system, enabling the great solar logos to synthesise his system.
Here we have perhaps the reason why our tiny system, and especially the physical globes in the chaines of the system, have attracted so much interest from the dark forces, whose major task, in spite of its futility, seem to be to prevent the manifestation of the Plan (this is in fact the very definition of evil, to work for the materialism, that was the main theme of the previous solar system but now has to be transcended, on the upward arc of evolution). These infiltrations resulted in the failure of the moonchain  (symbolised by our moon, now a dead corps of the physical globe of this third chain of the Earth system)
and the dire combats between the Forces of Light and the Material  Forces in this middle or fourth chain on the fourth and physical globe, first in the days of Atlantis resulting in a number of necessary deluges to stop their work, and finally in the great world wars of our times, with a final victory for the Forces of Light as a result, though only with a small margin. Perhaps we should remember that we now have just passed over to the upward arc of this fourth or Earth system in this second solar system, since we are now in the fourth chain, on the fourth globe,  in its fourth round and in the fifth rootrace (Atlantis belonged to the fourth rootrace, as does the consciousness of the majority of Humanity). Also we remember, that the Earth contains all the three major rays, one on each aspect.
The world wars were instigated by the group of leaving Chohans at their conclave in 1903.  An Arhat,  a Master and a Chohan is just the name pertained to those monads who have taken the fourth, fifth and sixth systemic initiations, respectively - opportunity for the higher initiations occur according to group-need or  certain rhythms  rather than individual "readiness" (in itself an illusion of the lower self), for the sixth initiation the cycle is at present 49 years -   involving the choice of one of the seven ways to higher work, and if choosing  the one in relation to prolonged Earth service becomming responsible for all souls on one of the seven rays, until higher work is taken over.  According to D.K. the year 1952 (the year of the last chohans conclave) was planned to be the end of "the period of evil". However Humanity made to mistakes after the victory in the world wars, according to D.K. - accepting Stalin and SSSR in the human family of nations (they might have isolated and thus terminated this tyrany) at the formation of UN, and accepting the formation of the state Israel as a result of the zionist lobbyism (removing the arabic population of the region, leaving them to a fate in refugy camps for generations). This ment renewed struggle between the Forces of Light and the Material forces, with risc of a third and final world war between communism and christianity, as anticipated by D.K. The inflow of Shambala force in 1975 might have changed the perspective, since a time of danger is always a time of opportunity. We have already witnessed the break down of the appartheid system in the republic of South Africa and the similar break down of the Sovejunion and the whole worldorder of East and West. Unfortunately the separation between rich and poor still remain, making the field of economics or reformulated the field of allocation and distribution of goods and services, a field where the dark forces are hoping to find renewed strength, cf. e.g. the various groups of organised crime as well as the many aspects of legal monetarian speculation .   Nevertheless Humanity is right now being tested again, prior to the planned inflow of Shambala force  starting in 2000 and culminating in 2001, the year of the next chohan conclave. The great nations USA, UK and Russia  must clear their own houses prior to the time of cooperation, which will mark the readiness for the reapperance of the Christ. The lesser nations have also their housecleansing to do. Two tests have already been passed relatively succesfull in the last few years. In the Balkan conflict and recent war in Kosovo, we remembered how the wish of "peace in our time" in the 1930's , based on egotism and fear of conflict,  lead to the cruel sacrifices of many groups and nations, so the spirit of mankind was arroused more easily this time (the similar conflicts in Africa not mentioned). And the problems with nationalistic groups and parties channelling a dangerous separatistic attitude in especially those nations that did not want to fight against Hitler and his evil men some sixty years ago, have also become part of the agenda in EU and USA,  threatning such nations with isolation if they will not or cannot handle the own problems locally.  The reactions to the inflow of Shambala force in May 2000, prior to the chohans conclave in 2001,  will  decide what actions to be made in relation to the reapperance of the Christ and in general the updated plans for the evolution of mankind.
In 2001, we are told, the majority of chohans will not just pass out of the solar system to their chosen path, but will stay on Earth as a wall around the Christ, and also work as liaison-officers between the Christ and the Avatar of Synthesis, assisting  thus in  the Instauratio Magna (also the title of a philosophical treatise by Francis Bacon, in those days Lord-chancelor of England,  head of a group writing the works of William Shakespeare, instigator of the inductive method in the sciences of comming centuries, and by the way seventh ray chohan, though emulating the life of an Arhat - at the end of the Kali Yoga in 1942 he became Mahachohan or head of the department of civilisation on Earth, and not only regent of Europa in the hidden government).
This very ascension in 2001 causes great upheaval within the hierachy, and also the great number of potential aspirants and disciples in the world today necessitate another approach to discipleship training, and here the energies of Aquarious eases the chosen group approach. The close personal relationship between the Master and the disciple, even prior to the stage of accepted chelaship, was somehow necessary in the early days of  Pisces, but is now an archaism. The training of aspirants and disciples, now as groups rather than individuals, is taken over by the groups of accepted disciples, and both types of groups find their place within the New Group of World Servers, the group-aspirant for testing and the group-disciple for implementing the Plan. Stil the band linking the disciple with the focalpoint of the Ahram, the Master, exist, but increasingly empahsis is laid on impersonality and orientation towards Humanity. The major task is education, preparing the way for the externalisation of the Hierachy and the reapperance of the Christ. The esoteric schools giving training according to ray will be founded later (when the building of the Antahkarana will be basic teatching).  Obidiance to the teacher,  a characteristic of the traditional guru-disciple relationship (cf. the descriptions in e.g. the autobiography of Paramahansa Yogananda - or all over, in the Bible) is no longer emphasised, since the disciple is becomming more mental, and comprehension stops all question making, anyhow. The motto of Sagitarious, "I see a goal, I reach the goal and then I see another", still applies to the would-be disciple, whose works and disicplines are always self-initiated. The adviser, always close when needed, will never command the disciple to do definite work, but may give suggestions and warnings telepathically. The purpose of disciple training is still the same: to implement the Plan of the Hierachy, as received from Shambala, and to train the units to increased responsibility in the One Work.

(2-10)  Twice upon a time:  the eyes and the I's  -  the principle of the goat. (14-2-2000,  Ni-Lingh) 

In Bhagavad Gita (in the translation of A.Besant & B.Das), 18th discourse, we read: Arjuna said: Destroyed is my delusion. I have gained knowledge through Thy grace, O Immutable One ! I am firm, my doubts have fled. I will do Thy bidding.

In Lao Tse's Tao Te Ching, XXV, we read:
 The Law of Man is Earth,
the Law of Earth is Heaven,
the Law of Heaven is Tao,
The Law of Tao is Tao.

 In The Yogic Ascent to Spiritual Heights, one of the last books of Geoffrey Hodson (and perhaps a forrunner of the promissed teaching on the monad, prior to the third phase of the work of the Tibetan, beginning around 2025) recommend these two books and the Sermon of the Mount to all students of spirituality, and especially to those preparing for the transfiguring of the integrated personality on the Path of Liberation (recalling, that the agent of the transmutating work of the physical body is the lower mind, the agent of the transforming work with the emotional nature is the soul, and the agent of the transfiguring work with the personality as a whole is the spiritual triad). In The Hidden Wisdom of the Holly Bible, vol. 1, p.130,  Geoffry Hodson explains the symbol of the mountain, upon which much of importance occurs in the Bible and other Scriptures, as a state of spiritual uplifting while in physical body, whereas plains indicate a normal state of mind, and valleys represent deliberately chosen, grossly material thoughts and activities. The symbology of the mountain especially applayes to those experiences resulting in illumination and transfiguring. According to the Tibetan, illumination refer not to the precipitaion of one or two intuitions, similar to a single star in the moonlight, but rather to an ever waxing sun, due to the fact that it is not originating from the astral or  lunar world, but from the world of soul. The  transfiguration of the personality will become part of the rites of the new world religion in the Aquarian Age. This presupposes a larger portion of the intelligentsia have achieved the needed ability to understand and recognise the importance for society of such achievement. We remember Nelson Mandela telling how painfull it was to tell his own children that he could not see them because he also had to care for the millions of other children in the country. So is the path, the disciple preparing for the transfiguration belongs not to family or friends, he belongs to the world. It is in this phase, that the disciple will become an interesting target of the dark forces. Prior to that he will usually only stumble over his own feet.

The general consicousness of Humanity has after the self-chosen housecleaning during  the world wars become so elevated, that it compars to the state anticipated (by the watching Hierachy) not in Aquarius but in Capricorn, the goat, some 2300 years later. This has caused the hastening of the plans of the Hierachy, we are told, in order to profit optimally from this incidence. The intuition will become what the intelligence is today for thinking Humanity, while the welltrained lower mind will be functioning almost automatic, and the socalled public opinion will be governed by mind and not (as now) by emotions.

Prior to this we will probably see many instances of lower psychism, (a faculty shared with all the animals), also we will see a number of wellmeaning people declaring themselves as Masters, the Christ, or perhaps direct channels for the solar-logos - resulting in the wellknown phenomenon called "the blind leading the blinds". Obsession of e.g. the crown, throut or solar plexus chachra (totally as with some psychotic patients, or partially) may result, when people carelessly or even deliberately play with the dark side. One should always remember the basic law, that energy follows thought. Perhaps a warning should be given to those attempting to work with the chachras as part of what they think is meditation, or even teaching tantric techniques:  dire consequences may result to the sensitive. And according to the Law of Karma, one will not only have to heal the damage of the single snowball thrown, but of the resulting avalanche. Notice should be given, never to evoke the spiritual will outside a protecting group  nor without full understanding - and never to raise the streams of Kundalini fire prior to the transfiguration. In both cases one is litterally playing with fire, that may destroy the permanent atoms, so one cannot reincarnate as a human being, but must start all over again in the next solar system, as a mineral.
 The choice of teatcher is of course important. Impersonality is preferrable today on both sides, and much can in fact be learned from books alone, if studied thouroughly and  reflected with no haste. But else the old proverb that one should  "know the trees by their fruits" still applies. Some supplementary heuristics may however be given. First of all there should be employed no coercion or compulsion, the student should be allowed complete mental freedom, and  suitable answers to any question on the teaching or the teacher delivered (and as a consequence, if dangerous situations should occur, the responsible teacher should know how to handle the situation and  act accordingly). Secondly the teaching should be given freely, at least to those who can't afford it otherwise. But most important, one should know within the heart that the choice of teacher is  the right  -  if necessary, sleep on it, it often removes doubt. Or perhaps look at the eyes (not too long, as he may applay suggestion, even if unconsciously).

A propos eyes, there are two types of signals to look for. Many wellmeaning teachers are themselves obsessed at least part of the time  (not necessarily by evil forces, but perhaps by a just as wellmeaning dead person, now as clever as when alive). It is as if there are someone behind, when you look into their eyes -  or if deliberately functioning as channel, the pupil of the eye may seem as a hole into a boundless dark ocean. (See also the Agni Yoga teaching, e.g. Heart, § 219, and Hierachy, § 284).  Secondly, as we remember the dark forces are in possession of first and third ray energies, but are lacking understanding of the second ray of love-wisdom, we may look for reflection of genuine love (compassion and wisdom). As the eyes are the mirror of the soul, you might notice a kind of twisting or bias,  either the eyes connote "bloodthirst"  and cruelty (first ray) or "treason" and manipulation (third ray), and in both cases often  there is pride, more rarly primitive harshness or lust, in the eyes, if not in the rest of the face  (by the way make sure it is not just your own projections you see - observe with detachtment, and keep your judgements to yourself). If you compare to the eyes of wellknown worldservers as e.g. Koffi Anan, Tony Blair  or George Soros, they may reflect different qualities (according to ray), but their glance is always very clear and open. The major problem is perhaps, that you very rarely meet the dark ones themselves, but only their numerous messengers, the grey and the almost white. If a teatcher is approaching during sleep, similar measures applay: the dark forces cannot hide their quality behind their mascerades, if looked into the eyes. Keep calm,  and ask the Christ (or any other Master you feel affinity to) for help if necessary (no formula is needed). A final word: keep a sense of proportions, since most teachers are as imperfect as those they teach (according to occult law, we are told), and usually very far from those perfected human beings we term Masters of the Great White Brotherhood - may it then be a minor comfort, we get what we deserve. Superficial theories of relationship between form and quality is always dangerous, as shown by e.g. the socalled science of the nazi-regime. Though many of us may have tendency to obsessions in one chachra or another (usually by subhuman entities or by our own astromental thoughtforms, resulting in uncontrolled desires or thoughts in some direction, a "split personality", like difficulty in stopping smoking) the best approach to problem-solving  is still the mental, keeping the attitude of dispassion and everlasting patience - in itself removing the problem, if there was any in the first place. It is a fact, that when the lower mind has done all the needed preparations, the intuition will manifest.

In the Agni Yoga teaching, in Infinity, vol. 1, we finally read:
§109. Transfiguration is Our most wondrous foundation of cosmic fusion. That step of cosmic transfiguration, at which man consumates his earthly path, We call cosmic joy. ... §316 The destiny of man on this planet is but little understood. ... The creativeness of Cosmos grants a purpose for being to even the smallest worm.
 (2-11)  On the opportunity for Humanity in the New Age of Aquarious.  (27-2-2000,  D.R. Inc.)

In Lao Tse's Tao Te Ching, XLVI (reproduced ) we read:
Thus,  he who has realised
that sufficient is enough
will never be in want.

The Agni Yoga Teaching, the volume Brotherhood, by Helena Roerich, says:
§3 ... Brotherhood ... It has been linked with liberty and equality, but this trinity was conceived in the earthly meaning, that is to say, under conditions in which neither freedom nor equality do exist.

At the centurial conclave in 1825, the Hierachy could look back on a period of change,  such as the british-american and french revolutions and the upheavals in Europe caused by the initiate Napoleon Bonaparte (not forgetting the need for mass education of the unthinking masses, initiated by Rouseau and later incorporated in the international labour-movement until it was led astray by the time of the Russian Revolution). The Hierachy decided for the immediate future, including the "touch of Shambala" in 1975 and 2000, so we now are ready for democracy at the bottom of society and hierachy at the top  (as Humanity is not yet ready for true hierachy, we are told in the Destiny of Nations by Alice A.Bailey),  yielding assumably the political structure for a world government in the years just after 2025, at the beginning of the first decanate of Aquarious.

Prior to the intended global fusion, the USA, the British Empire (a reincarnation of the Roman Empire) and Russia will each be the custodian of one of the three great ideas forming the wellknown slogan of the French Revolution. At the same time many  experiments are carried out also in the other nations, each suited for the rays and the stage of soul-personality integration of the nations involved, and aided as usual by the Law of Karma.

Just as there comes a second ray impulse in the first quarter of each century, so we have a first ray impulse in the last quarter of each century. Perhaps it was no coincidence that the Glorious Revolution in UK happened in 1689, exactly one hundred years before the storm of the Bastille in Paris and three hundred years before the breakdown of the Iron-curtain and  removal of the wall separating East-Germany and West-germany.

The ray cycles may perhaps be considered as one the two interlacing systems, comprehensible to the finite mind of man at the moment, on its way to the synthesis of Infinity. We have been told by the Tibetan, that for the first time in the history of Humanity the Sun is in Aquarious both in the ordinary zodiacal cycle of around 2300 years, and in relation to a much greater cycle.

According to Esoteric Astrology p.149, by Alice A. Bailey, the Plan for the three decanates of Aquarious may be summarised by the words: Opportunity - Illumination - Brotherhood

Since Humanity as a whole has become invocative as result of the world wars, a great extra-planetaric being, often called the Avatar of Synthesis, has approached the Earth and will overshadow the Christ as head of the Hierachy,  and with a strong channel to the primary first ray ashram of Morya. The immediate task of the Christ is to eliminate the separatism between men, groups and nations. The will-to-good will be implemented by the energy of goodwill, the characteristic energy of the New Group of World Servers. The task will be facilitated by the gradual incarnation of the members of the Hierachy, already in process, and culminating with the reapperance of the Christ.

Prior to 2025 we will thus have to prepare for this great event, using every opportunity to educate those showing signs of goodwill  (the bridging energy that eventually will "seal the door where evil dweels"), by promoting the use of the Great Invocation,  the basic rites (such as the fullmoon approach to the Hierachy and the newmoon approach to the New Group of World Severs), and the basic concepts of esoteric philosophy  (to be implemented in the comming world religion, intended to  appeal not only to the emotions but also to the mind and the intuition of modern human beings). According to D.K. the would-be world server should however first of all learn to think, since what the world needs is not impractical mystics, but occultists who can make the necessary spiritual compromises, as part of the technique of goodwill. We also mention a formulation of M. that there is no need for prayers, only hard work.

Great changes to our life conditions may soon happen if we so allow, aiming at the life abundantly to everybody,  promised by the Christ when He last walked among men. As usual however is the Hierachy forced by law to respect the free will of Humanity.
We close the adress by quoting the Bible:
And God is able to make all grace abound towards you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to all good work; (2.Corinthians,9:8)
And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said: The Kingdom of God cometh not with observation; ... the Kingdom of God is wihin you. (St. Luke, 17:20-21)
And let him who is atthirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely. (Revelation, 22:17)

(2-12)  On the Great Renunciation.  (25-3-2000,  The New Fishermens Group.)

The Agni Yoga teaching says:  Simplicity, beauty and fearlessness - Christ and Buddha spoke of nothing more.(Leaves of Morya's Garden, vol. 2, p.163) Each Lord has his keynote. The Epoch of Maitreya proclaims women. The manifestation of Maitreya is linked with the confirmation of the Mother of the World, in the past, present and future. (Hierachy, §13) Therefore, the great Epoch of Women will be destinguished by greater refinement of feelings and consciousness. (Fiery World, vol. 3, §116)

In the Upanishads we read:  The sound of Brahman is OM.  At the end of OM there is silence. It is a silence of joy. It is the end of the journey where fear and sorrow are no more: steady, motionless, never-falling, ever-lasting, immortal. It is called the omni-present Vishnu. In order to reach the Highest, consider in adoration the sound and silence of Brahman. For it has been said: God is sound and silence. His name is OM. Attain therefore contemplation - contemplation on him. ...  The mind should be kept in the heart as long as it has not reached the Highest End. This is wisdom, and this is liberation. Everything else is only words. ... Mind is indeed the source of bondage and also the source of liberation. To be bound to things of this world: this is bondage. To be free from them: this is liberation.   (The Maitri Upanishad, 6.23-24)

The Tibetan tought to ponder on the distinction which exist between: 1. Self-will.  2. Determination.  3. Fixity of purpose.  4. The will.  5.  The spiritual will.  6. The divine will.  (cf. Alice A. Bailey's The Rays and the Initiations, p. 718)

Jesus said: ... yet, not my will but yours be done. (Lu. 22:42)

Robert Browning, in Paracelsus, vocated:
(...) I am young, old, happy, sad,
Hoping, desponding, acting, taking rest,
And all at once: that is, those past conditions
Float back at once on me. If  I  select
some special epoch from the crowd, 't is but
To will, and straight the rest dissolve away,
And only that particular state is present
With all its long-forgotten circumstance
Distinct and vivid as at first - myself
A careless looker-on and nothing more,
Indifferent and amused, but nothing more.
And this is death: I understand it all.
New being waits me; new perceptions must
Be born in me before I plunge therein;
Which last is Death's affair; and while I speak,
Minute by minute he is filling me
With power; and while my foot is on the threshold
Of boundless life - the doors unopened yet,
All preparations not complete within -
I turn new knowledge upon old events,
And the effect is ... but I must not tell;
It is not lawful. Your own turn will come
One day. Wait, Festus. You will die like me. (...)
(From Robert Browning's Paracelsus,  in: Poems, vol. 1, rev.ed. 1848)

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