Venerable Ceferino Namuncura

This page is dedicated to the memory of Ven. Ceferino [Zepherin] Namuncura. Ven. Ceferino was the son of the great Mapuche cacique, Manuel Namuncura.
Ceferino was born on August 26, 1886 and christened two years later by the Salesian missionary P. Domingo Milanesio. He received his first communion on September 8, 1898. He died on May 11, 1905, when he was only 18 years old. He was declared VENERABLE by Pope Paul VI on June 22, 1972.
Prayer to request graces.
Ann Ball devotes a chapter of her book Modern Saints to Ven. Ceferino.
- Bury Me Deep is Peter M. Lappin's 1974 account of the life of Ven. Ceferino.
The Mapuche Nation has additional information about Ceferino's people.
You can email the Friends of Ceferino
last update: March 22, 2006