Lana Martin
 da Countess |
Lana's just the average computer geek, with a few minor modifications. She saw Jerm's personal website about a year ago and it was so pitiful she had to make him a new one. So, THS Drumline Page was started as Lana's project #2. Lana is currently working on project #7. She uses Paint Shop Pro 5 for all graphics, just plain Notepad for the coding, and mocha frappuccino for the ideas.
Lana is a HUGE figure skating fan and makes graphics for other websites, as well. |
Jeremy Gorden
 devilish look, isn't it? |
Jeremy's the one that plays the drums at Temple High School. He's also a great hockey player for the Central Texas Midgets team. Although Lana does most the work around here, Jerm does do important tasks like approve new designs and handle all compliments. He also has the divine duty of editing guestbook entries to reflect his best interests. Not bad for a full day's work, huh? |