Astounding New MJ12 Documents

Debate continues to rage over the authenticity of these documents, personally I think they are probably the usual disinformation, misinformation with a sprinkle of dissemination.
Celestial Visitors (6 Pages)
Go to WSPG, New Mexico (1 Page)
Proceed to WSPG Command Control (1 Page)
Intelligence Assessment (7 Pages)
Air Accident Report (3 Pages)
Disk-like Aircraft in New Mexico (1 Page)
Intelligence Estimate So Far (18 Pages)
Establishes Majestic Twelve (1 Page)
Not...Divulged To Public (1 Page)
1st Annual Report-Majestic 12 (17 Pages)
Briefing On MJ-12 (7 Pages)
Extraterrestrial Entities And Technology, Recovery And Disposal (25 Pages)
Memo Requesting Review of MJ-12 Intelligence Operations (1 Page)
Classification Review Of All UFO Files (1 Page)
Report on the MJ-12 Documents : by Dr. Robert Wood at
MUFON, California

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