Pictures of my kitties! Aren’t they cute ^_^
this was Purry Cat, my longest alive cat (he died Oct 22, 2003), who sat on my lap and
meowed around in my room in early morning ¬.¬ Kinda chubby,
cuddly guy ^_^
don’t have Shadow anymore, we had to give him away because
he was emotionally distressed living with us… I miss him :(
he was a nice cat, weird though
isn’t she? This is Missy, the loudmouth outdoor kitty,
Purry’s girlfriend ^_^ She eats a lot but still manages to
stay thin. How does she do it, Purry wondered ;D
Oliver, Missy’s brother. He was our tiger, roaming the
neighborhood, but he got beat up too much so our neighbor took
him inside. He’s back outside now, though I don’t see
him much.
Here’s Missy and Oliver, hanging out together on our grill
^_^ They look younger here than they do in person… I wonder
how I can tell that a cat looks younger ;D
yes she does know how to climb ^_^ I dunno how she can stay up in
that scrawny tree though… skilled kitty, Missy ;D
Aren’t they cute, getting along… I wish they were like
that all the time, I think one of the reasons Shadow went crazy
was cos he didn’t get along with Purry very well… Look,
Shadow smiled for the camera! Purry looks like either he’s
annoyed at getting his picture taken or he’s plotting
something evil ;D
Cats, they just love violin cases
^_^ Yay they seem to be getting along here too :D
Heh we caught Purry red-pawed in the act of raiding the pantry ;D
He likes to hang out in there when its open ^_^ Purry had good
tastes, he’s right in front of the spaghetti ;D
I think Shadow liked places like that… caves and stuff ^_^
in any case he looks comfortable, looks like a nice warm soft
place to hang out in winter ^_^
Hey look Shadow does have musical talent after all, harping ^_^
he is found in the weirdest positions… I’m surprised he
and Missy didn’t get along better ^_^
Cats of course like to sit in windowsills and stare out at the
birds they cannot get to ^_^ or maybe its just sunbathing, which
it seems to be in this case ;D I wonder if that’s a
comfortable position…
Yay Missy! She likes to come in our
house and sleep sometimes, especially when it's cold or wet
outside ;D Like the new window? She does I guess ^_^
"Yarr! Get out of here! You
just woke me up!" heh heh heh kind, peaceful Oliver wouldn't
say that. Heh, I had to sneak around the whole house to get this
picture ^_^ first time I tried, he jumped off the table >:o
camera-shy I guess ;D
this is cool. They're drinking out of the same bowl ^_^ Rare show
of companionship, or something.
liked to lie like that XD Just lie there and be obscene... Silly
you can see part of our 2002 sukkah. Oliver likes the table,
I said, cats love violin cases.
Shadow, exploring his new home. Purry keeps a watchful eye on him
were having the floor refinished, I think. He liked the stool ^_^
I wonder where that stool is now...
this picture is old o.O It's Purry when he was actually thin o.O
Scary, isn't he.