Bible Correspondence Course by e-mail
Select a lesson, copy and paste in email to: Bob Cleek

1ST. Series 
1. How we got the Bible 
2. Rightly dividing the Word 
3. The Creation and Fall of Man
4. The Patriarchs
5. The Wilderness Wanderings 
6. The Conquest of Canaan
7. The United Kingdom
8. The Divided Kingdom
9. The Poets and Prophets
10. Jesus Christ--His  Birth and Baptism 
11. Jesus Christ--His Ministry
12. Jesus Christ--His Teaching 
13. The Crucifixion of Christ
14. The Resurrection of Christ 
15. Sin and its Consequences
16. Jesus Christ--God's Cure for Sin
17. The Two Covenants
18. The Establishment of the Church
19. Paul's Missionary Journeys
20. New Testament Conversions
21. Saving Faith
22. Scriptural Baptism
23. The Epistles
24. Religious Authority
25. The Church--Its Names and Unity
26. The Church--Its  Worship and  Financing 
27. The Church--Its Organization and  Work
28. The Holy Spirit 
29. The Second Coming of Christ
30. Eternal Punishment and Reward



2ND. Series
1.  There is a God
2.  The Great I AM
3.  God, Our Father
4.  The Justice of God
5.  The Inspiration of the Bible
6.  Why the Bible is God's Word
7. The Historical Accuracy of the Bible
8.  Fulfilled Prophecy
9.  The Eternal Purpose of God
10.  The Christ of Prophecy
11.  The Deity of Christ
12.  The Atonement of Christ
13.  Miracles of the Bible
14.  The New Birth
15.  The Nature of Sin
16.  The Sin of disobedience
17.  Overcoming Sin
18.  Justification from Sin
19.  The Fruit of the Spirit
20.  The Christian's Responsibilities
21.  The Christian Home
22.  The Blessings of God
23. The Kingdom of God
24. Undenominational Christianity
25. The Basis of Christian Unity
26. Acceptable Worship
27. Prayer
28. The Lord's Supper
29. Church Organization
30. The Resurrection of The Dead


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