United States Postal Cards
Collector's Page

Greetings! And welcome to the U.S. Postal Card Collector's Homepage. You will find all (or at least, most) of the postal cards issued by the United States Postal Service on the following pages, complete with photos, issue dates, and some historical information. This site will help you in identifying the cards in your collection. Prices are not listed because they change so frequently. I suggest that you use one of the major pricing catalogs, such as Scott's Specialty Catalog. Most larger libraries have a recent copy.

Links are also provided to other philatelic sites, stamp collector home pages, other (better) link sites and auction sites.

Counter Visitors since November 6, 1998.

So here we go, on and upward!

1873-1900, Scott's #UX1 to UX18
1902-1926, Scott's #UX17 to UX37
1951-1967, Scott's #UX38 to UX54
1968-1977, Scott's #UX55 to UX72
1978-1981, Scott's #UX73 to UX87
1981-1984, Scott's #UX88 to UX104
1985-1987, Scott's #UX105 to UX119
1988-1990, Scott's #UX120 to UX162
1991-1992, Scott's #UX153 to UX165
1993-1994, Scott's #UX166 to UX197
1995, Scott's #UX198 to #UX240
1996, Scott's #UX241 to #UX278
1997, Scott's #UX279 to #UX284
1998, Scott's #UX285 to #UXxxx
2001 Upcoming Issues

Air Mail postcards, Scotts #UXC1 to UXC15, 1949-1974
Air Mail postcards, Scotts #UXC16 to UXC25, 1975-1995
Official postcards, Scotts #UZC1 to UZ, 1913-1995
Paid Reply postcards, Scotts #UY1 to UY15, 1892-1952
Paid Reply postcards, Scotts #UY16 to UY41, 1956-1995

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