In an attempt to link Christians even closer together in cyber space we have formed this page. Below is a list of names and links to their testimony. To read their testimony just click on their name and away you go. In order to return to this page just scroll to the bottom of their testimony and click on the link that has been placed there to return to here, the Testimony Directory Page.

           Dusty Ashby Snyder, TX, USA
         Jane Garner Denton, TX, USA
          Jenell Hawley Warsaw, IN, USA
          Kelley Texas, USA
         Anna Phillips Lac La Biche, Alberta, Canada
Dustin Letkeman Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
        Sarah HampstenFlora, Illinois USA
          Holly Lee (Llama 4 Christ) New Philadelphia, OH, USA
        Kathie Lea Jones Weatherford, TX, USA
         Mark Heriford (Apostle MK) Kansas City, Kansas, USA
Janessa Brewer(Oneighty16) Oklahoma, USA
         Hez Thoennes Minnesota, USA
           Clayton Watson Memphis, TN, USA
Jason Fritts
Kathleen S. Rasmussen Jenison, MI, USA
Pete Svochak Long Island, NY, USA
Susie VL. South Dakota, USA
Lindsay Leporati West Monroe, Louisiana, USA
Julie Moore Knoxville, TN, USA
Chris Jones Vancouver Washington, USA
Angel Collecter Illinois, USA
Laura Canada Snyder, Texas, USA
Shea Naylor Ramer, Tennessee, USA
Matthew Blum Cambridge, MA, USA
Nathan Howard Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Jim Baxter Sgt. USMC World War II and Korea Santa Maria, CA, USA
Mark Hogan Albuquerque, NM, USA
Kathleen O. Wilmington, Delaware, USA
Jodi Cordell Mercersburg, Pennsylvania, USA
Roger Whipp Romford, England
Benjamin Larin Botvina, Astrakhan, Russia Personal Page
Jessica Norris Rowlett, TX, USA
Crystal Phoenix, AZ, USA
Andrea Shields Christiansburg, Virginia, USA

If you are interested in getting your testimony placed here please email us at
and on the subject title it:


...and in the body include:

Your name
City / State / Country
Your email address
the URL to the page w/ your testimony. (not your main page!)

Thank you.

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