
Amendment 1: Freedom of religion, speech, and the press; rights of assembly and

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting
the free exercise thereof;
or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people
peaceably to assemble, and to
petition the government for a redress of grievances.
Thank You For My Freedoms

I have my freedom, all I can say is thank you, to so many. I live each day with my
freedom, because so many died. I thank you to those who died and those who just
fought to protect it. Once again I say thank you. I can only say my freedoms are a
gift I would die to protect for myself and everyone, but words are so easily spoken.
Like I said thank you, for my freedoms. For every man or woman who gave for my
freedoms to exist, I say thank you. To everyone I say and sign with my blood if I
must, I would die for your freedom, as well as mine, Freedom is a gift I have gotten
for free, but I would pay if I had to, and I declare that each and everyday. One more
time No one who gave for my freedoms to exist has been forgotten, for I thank you
all, may God bless your souls. Thank you for my freedoms.

Thank You,
D. L. Talkington

That Value of Mine

I asked if I could call today. You told me when and where. I called and got the nice
little machine, or the computer at the phone company with, after the tone please
leave a message. I see what I mean. I see just who I am now. If I was hanging
from a wire, would you let me fall? Let me no, I wouldn't even be noticed. I'm just an
everyday person, a everyday guy, easy to ignore. Easy for you, to think about my
pains, and say not because of me, and deny. I'll crawl back in the wood work, where
I belong. Brush me under the rug, for I'm out of sight, out of mind. I see my value,
that value of mine. I equal zero, a fact I can no longer deny.

by Dwayne Louis Talkington

Finding The Truth

Is honesty lost in my world. Where do I go to find the truth. I look, I see does that
mean it is real or just an illusion of what could be, or what they want me to think is,
was, or could be. Just because, I feel, see, hear it does that mean it is true. You
say what you say is real, you would never lie to me. Can I ask you a question?
Honestly how would I know that to be true? A world full of lies, how can I find the

The Harvest Of Dead Souls

Winter is the season of darkness and cold, evil thieves in the dark. Once known as
the season of death, with the sacrifices to the Lord of Darkness himself done every
year. Samhain was known, respected and feared by all wise men. After about
eighteen hundred years of being ignored the mighty Samhain has decided to let
mankind know the powers of the dark once more. So was the beginning of "The
Harvest Of Dead Souls" and the end of mankind as it was known since the Romans
had taken over Celtic lands and stopped honoring "The Lord Of Death" and made
the holiday in his name a Joker's Eve.

On March 21, 2000 the beginning of Samhain's parades of death started, with his
first victim being Pope John Paul. Following the popes death, everyday another
major Catholic leader died. So many died, so quickly the church was never able to
pick a new pope and by years end would only be a memory.

The Catholic religion was not the only religion that suffered, Middle Eastern leaders
of different Islamic groups also died bring that religion to a halt and the same
happened to leader of every religion known to man. Quickly man had become
disconnect from their beliefs, in their Gods. Earth now becoming a purgatory of
sorts, but not to any God, but The Lord Of Death.

What Christian religions spoke of as Armageddon, which was the place of what was
supposed to be the where world leaders would fight the last battles against good and
evil. Man had best located this area to be in Israel at the location of an ancient city
that was called Megiddo. Armageddon, was a Greek word that came from a Hebrew
word Har-Megiddo, which was believed to mean Mount Megiddo. This ancient city
was found in a mountainous area of Israel, but no mountain was ever identified.
Many religious pieces were found though.

This was the place where world leaders decided to setup their defense. defense
against what they did not know, but army troops from all over the world were sent to
this region.

Samhain found this to be humorous, for he had nothing to do with the Christian
bible, if anything these beliefs downgrade if not totally denied his existence in many
ways. In one swift move Samhain was able to remove, eliminate, kill, almost all of
the world defense forces in the matter of two months.

The troops died of various illnesses, most of which were sexually transmitted,
because it seemed none of the troops, male or female could live long without sexual
contact. Samhain was amused by the fact that he was killing them through their
"sin" as talked about in their holy books. Samhain had been planning this for years,
starting a disease that would effect the immunity systems of man or animal and was
spread through sexual flood exchange, and blood transfusions. This way it was
being transferred only by ways humans considered to be sins, excessive sex and
drug use.

He loved showing humans their obvious ignorance of morals and inability to follow
even their own beliefs no matter how right or wrong they were. He had to do nothing
but make this disease more intense and easier spread and mankind would do the
rest on its own.

By March 01, 2005 the Earth population was down to nearly one billion, from its peak
in the 1990's of a little over six billion. six billion in the 1990's from its believed
population of five hundred fifty million in the 1600's, just more proof mankind was
dying for sex.

Samhain was going to have no mercy on mankind, not even letting them know what
they were being punished for, but making it obvious what they had to do to stop the
punishment, he put mankind's destiny in mankind's hands to control. So far
mankind seems to be losing the battle as Samhain sits back and laughs at our

Samhain didn't remove the possibilities of sex, just added a need to take
responsibility for who you had sex with and how you had sex with that person. There
were protections like condoms, but they were not widely used even though it was an
obvious not fix all, but reducer of the chance of this awful disease.

Mankind's weakness was sex, it would go across every belief they had, from
monogamous marriage. Which by the 1990's was a rare practice, with increasing
divorce rates and infidelity existing everywhere. If the Christian God or any other
God did or didn't exist, man's infidelity to their basic religious beliefs made this or
these God's nonexistent. No God could help a nonbeliever, which is what mankind
had become as a whole, even people who claimed to be religious had partaken in
infidel relations, outside of their marriages, or religions. In fact what was going on
wasn't Samhain killing mankind, but mankind killing its self.

Samhain, managed to make it so all of mankind had access to see him in one way or
another. This date was July 6, 2006. He told mankind; "To see your destroyer, don't
look at me, look in the mirror. I just gave you the source for your death, and you
used it well."

Wanted: A Lover Who Desires Only Me Apply Within

I place my ad on the classifieds of life. Many have applied, some with many
references, to hearts they have broken, which was always the case for mine. Just
another notch in their belt. One more story of their past loves went wrong. Never
mind the pain I felt, because according to everyone I was always wrong. I slit my
wrist and watched it drip, puddles on the floor, my final trip. I walked into another
closing door, heavens sent, vision, but locked was the door. I opened my eyes and
saw her there, she said she loved me, but truly she never cared. Now I am
forgotten, my heart was on her plate. She With knife, and fork I was a meal, to show
her man hating discontent. I guess I could have died, but that would have been the
easy way with less pain. So I was forced to live, and dream of what could've been. I
guess true love will always elude me, in the end.

Just Another Day

Was it me or was this just another day? I didn't feel new, or different from any other
day. Just another day, another job. Life moves on, I have another scar on my heart,
another vision of a dream, but it is just another. Not the first surely not the last.
Then again today was the first day of the rest of my life and could be the last, I won't
know, until I see tomorrow, but that just makes it just another day.

Tarnished By Tears

When I was born my heart was pure platinum. Walked my days sharing and
spreading my love. Then one day I looked into a woman's eyes and said those three
words, I love you. She told me the same so I thought it was true, but little did I know
and soon my heart was blue, and gold my heart had become. I walked forward once
more and on another day. I found another woman, who made me feel the same way.
Those words struck again, so did another woman's lies. A heart of silver is now
mine. Then I found her, the perfect dream. Everything I thought a woman could or
should be. Over and over we both said; "I love you." For once I thought it was true.
Little did I know, but everything I feared, would turn to be the truth. When she said
she loved me, she really meant no I don't. Then I found out she loved someone else
and I was gone from her life. Now my heart of Platinum, then gold, then silver,
turned now to copper and tarnished in my tears. I no longer walk through life, but
run and hide, for I fear what next my heart would be, if my heart would be at all.

Flying With My eyes Closed

I look in the skies and dream to fly. I close my eyes and dream. Gliding in my mind
on the edge of the breeze. Climb, through the clouds, looking on the valley below.
Whisping through the air of my dreams. In my mind I can do anything. Drifting over
the clouds, where only the God's should be, realities of life wash over me. Falling,
dropping, plummeting to the ground. Head over foot, foot over head, rolling
downward in a spiral, closer, closer to my death. The Earth once a small speck
below me, now a large impending doom, that is assured to bring me to my end.
Closer, bigger, the Earth gets, second, by second. Fear runs through my body, from
head to toe I shake in fear of my death. Then, just then, in the middle of a
slumbering silence, my alarm clock goes off.

List of other sites by D.L.Talkington's