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Dreams Of You

I dream of you when I sleep

I dream of you when I'm awake

I dream of you when I hear your words

I dream of you when I see your face

I dream of your touch

I dream of your love

I dream of you with me

But I fear that is all you will let it be

Is a dream

But still I dream of you my love

For I love you

So I dream

I dream of you

Everlasting Love

I hear the echoes of my mind

As my eyes awaken to destiny

The smoothness of this dream

Soft silks and satins of life

Pleasures of an inner touch

As you open your heart to me

A soft gentle kiss for my soul

A joyful dance of evermore

As now I found the ecstasy

Of everlasting love

Wonderful Incredible.... You

You say I'm in love with your picture

I say I'm in love with your soul

You think a man can only love your body

Do I love your body my dear? Yes

But your body is just one drop

In a bucket that overflows in to a sea

My love for you is an ocean

With no ends to be seen

I love your soul, mind, heart,

And the joy you bring to me

In just being you, wonderful, incredible


Embraced In Our Love And Passion Forevermore

Warm, soft, smooth, silky to the touch

Moist with the passionate sweat of desire and lust

My lips touch your flesh, with the taste of a dream

Our bodies join with only love and passion in between

Frictions of lust as our dreams enter reality

Our bodies pulsing, bumping, grind, together we cum

We settle, and relax as we fall gently and rest

In each others loving, caring soothing arms

Embraced in our love and passion forevermore

Magic Of Being In Love

The mystery lies in the darkness of her eyes

Pounding heart, cold sweat, love, then lust

Reality, or a dream, fantasy, or just to be

To be seen, felt, loved, and shared

Her soft gentle touch, satin smooth flesh

Gentle kiss of her love, held dear

Silky soft lips, send quivers as they touch mine

A mystery but known so well

The magic of being in love

My Dearest Love

Whispering lights of the dawning of day

Reflect from your eyes, your soul so pure

The pounding of your heart so strong

The soft caress of you love everlasting

Softness, sweetness of your subtle kiss

The gentle touch of your caring hands

Your voice makes passionate love to my ear

The beauty of your vision that holds me so near

If this is just a dream I hope to forever sleep

And to wake in your arms, is my dream I will keep

I Love You

My eyes have cried tears

For you

Over you

Because of you

My heart has felt






For you

I have had dreams

Of a chance

Of a destiny

Or maybe it was

Just a dream

But dreams can

Come true

So I hope

For one day

Just to have

A chance

To feel

Your kiss

To melt in

your hug

To be

The good of

Your dreams

And for

Both of



To be


One more thing




You Are My Best Friend

We reach out and hold each other

Letting our tears run free

Not hiding from our pain

But running to our recovery

Not to proud to except a helping hand

Not afraid to call each other friend

We fear our love as strong as it maybe

Right now we can't handle anything

But the magic of being friends

Lean on me and I'll lean on you

My friend, so neither will fall

Until we can stand on our own

Then maybe we can lean on each other

Out of choice and stop running

From whatever our love will be

I love you my friend

My best friend

Yes that is you

You are my best friend

You Plus Me

Misting moistness of a gentle wave

Overwhelms my body and my soul

Pounding, beat, racing my heart

Deeper, harder, faster my breathing

As my mind and my heart think of you

A vision of a dream, but a joy so real

You have touched my soul

You hold my heart, this you can not deny

What will come of us only you and time will tell

Until then I will love you the best I can

After which I still will, as your lover, and, or friend

My love for you is total, but you are the one choose

To decide what me plus you will equal

So I love you and await the sum

One last thing to say, my dear

I love you, that is the one answer that is clear


You are the inspiration to my eyes

That make soul dream of love

You are the desire of my life

That has my heart dancing

In a field of dreams

You are my angel

Who guides my love

You hold my heart

I will forever love you so

Warm Summer Rain

I walk through the valley of my love for you

I hear the birds singing our song of union

I feel the warmth from the sun of your embrace

The soft silky petals of your smooth, soft flesh

The gentle caress of your love in a warm summer rain

I taste the nectar of desire in your soft moist kiss

No more pain as our souls dance in the joy of our love

Our hearts fly on the wings of our dreams

As reality becomes one with our fantasies

My Love For You

I awake my hearts eyes open to the glory of my life

I see you

Feel you

Want you

Love you

In my mind

But I awake and find myself alone, but truly never alone

For I hold you

Have you

Love you

I'm with you

In my heart

If I may, if I might, one day be blessed, with a miracle

Of your touch

Your kiss

Our union

Loving you

Body to body

With this reality either way

If or if not my dreams coming true

Each day I will be blessed

With the privilege

Of loving you


For this in my life, as my dreams fade away. Darkness, becomes the

like of my day. Shadows of my heart in my soul's discontent. Screams

of my passion, slash my

desire's aorta. Soon my love will fade. disconnected is my heart,

eclipses my dreams by reality's evil

blade. For taken am I on this my final day. Love forever gone. Only

for my life to fade as memories

are all I can save. I wake in my bed, sweat drips from my brow. Once

again alone, as I awake to my

love in its grave.


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