Who am I ?

I was born in Athens on 1973. I graduated from the 3rd High School of Peristeri in Athens on 1990. I joined the Technical University of Crete, in Chania,on September 1991, where i studied Production & Management Engineering. I have participated in a Management Seminar on 1991, organised by the Administration of Devellopment of West Athens.In 1993 I received a 6 months schoolarship with Erasmus Program for studies in the University of Liege , in Belgium. I have also worked for the Administration and Management Laboratory, as system administrator.

I have followed three Summer Courses , one in the University of Patras (Greece) ,on "Total Ecology Studies" in 1994, another in Tampere University of Technology (Finland) , on "Electron Microscopy", in 1996 and one more in University of Ljubljana (Slovenia) , on "Ars-Logica-Ars Vitae" in 1997. In 1995 I was a member of the organising committee of the meeting of "Total Quality Management" held in the Greek Technical Chamber, in Athens(March 1995). I have graduated from the military School of Engineering (June 1998)and I have accomplished my military service as an officer (2nd Lieutenant) by the end of 1999.

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Last on 23/8/2002

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