For your reading enjoyment:
12 selected, themed poems from a featured poet.
"I had many things to write, but I will not with ink and pen write unto thee..."
"Poetry endangers the established order in the soul."
The Oxford English Dictionary defines REPAIR:
concourse or confluence of people at or in a place; resort, frequent or habitual going; making one's way; to arrive; to dwell; to heal, to cure, to recover; to renew; (AND!) to fix to original condition.
In each sense, www.poetryrepairs.com
The site is a free shop, open 24 hours each day, every day. Please, look about, loiter awhile. Be with good friends; share your favorite drink. Relax. Read ALOUD, slowly, carefully as you would draw a breath of fresh air. That IS poetry's purpose.
"Repair Your Mind...Read More Poetry!"
Since 1997.
For your reading pleasure:
contemporary international poetry from new, emerging, and established writers