Motion and Design is a Science unit designed by the Smithsonian Museum in Washington, D.C. This "hands-on" unit is filled with activities to experience the laws of motion and the importance of design for students. The students will use K-nex to build race cars and vehicles that can pull loads, use rubber band energy, and use propeller-driven machinery. Students are excited to draw technical drawings, to work in cooperative groups, to build vehicles, and to find solutions to design challenges. Included on this site are ideas for supplementing the Motion and Design kit. Enjoy your visit to this site.

Aerodynamics In Car Racing

Aerodynamic efficiency is the goal of car designers. It is the most important element in developing a competitive race car. Inclusded are topics such as Car development, Racing physics, Design and test, Future designs, Glossary, References.

Amusement Park Physics

What are the forces behind the fun?

Educational Technology Center

Simple Machines

Engineering Design and Graphics at Penn State

Forces and Newton's Laws

Why do objects move as they do?

How Stuff Works

Hundreds of cool articles about how stuff works

Introduction to Mechanisms

Physical principles

Inventions with Wild and Wacky Games

National Geographic for kids

Inventors and Inventions

Inventors, Inventions, and Scientists

Invention Dimension

Inventor of the week achives; invention related links and reasources

Marvelous Machines

Experiments about Simple Machines

Motion and Forces

Unit: Sixth Grade Science


Motion, energy, and simple machines are explained

Newton's Apple

Public Television's Family Science Show: Get Your Hands On Science!

Force and States of Motion

Newton's Laws are discussed and explained


Access Excellence Laboratory Activities (210 sites)

Playground Physics

Physics is explained using playground equipment examples!

Professor Beaker's Learning Labs

Science of Simple Machines


Activities from Other Sites


Related Internet Links about Rollercoasters

Roller Coaster Physics

Physics explained with an interactive, labelled diagram!

Rube Goldberg

The official Goldberg website

Simple Machines

Invent a machine based on the work of Rube Goldberg!

Simple Machines

Reaserch/Informational Sites

Simple Machines

Machines and work, thing-a-macjigs, and the uses of simple machines.

Simple Machines Make the World go Round

Students will use the internet to locate information on various simple machines. Students will be given various activities in all curricum activities.

Simple Machines, Super Inventions

Simple Machines Unit

Teachers, reasources, lesson plans, and activities.

Southern Indiana Education Center

Force and Motion Links

The Exploratorium Science Snacks

Downhill Race, Momentum Machine, and Snacks and resources

The Franklin Institute Online

Making Phyics Fun: Motion Tours; Technology Tours

The Franklin Institute Online: Simple Machines

Simple Machines

Three Laws of Motion

The three laws of Motion

What's That?

In this lesson you will be able to reasearch information inventions, inventors, and the patent process. You will also be asked to design, draw, and constuct your own invention.

Welcome to Exploring Leonardo

Who was Leonardo da Vinci? Explore this site and learn about this fascinating scienntist, inventor, and artist.



Cooperative Learning Group Roles

Resources for Students


Technical Drawings
