Animated math glossary | Definitions and vocabulary with colorful moving parts |
Circumference and Area of Circles | Lessons on circumference and area of a circle |
Dave's Math Table | Geometry, Areas, Volumes, Surface Areas, Circles |
Designs with Circles | Creating artistic patterns with circles |
Geometric Factoring | Understanding Factoring Through Geometry |
Geometry Problem of the Week | Solve this geometry puzzler weekly! |
How to Make a Tessellation | Step-by-Step directions using crayons, colored pencils, markers, or water colors of how to create amazing tessellation designs |
Introduction To Geometry | An introduction of Geometry topics: points, lines, planes, and space, glossary |
Karen's Polyhedra Gallery | Absolutely cool math! To view any polyhedra in its entirety, simply click on the image! | |
MathMol Library of Geometric Images | Rotate 3-D images so that you can see all the faces |
Painted Faces | An activity designed to promote students' abilities to use patterns and relationships to analyze mathematical situations using a geometric model. This learning experience uses visual problem solving, number patterns, hexahedrons, vertices, faces, and edges. |
Perimeter and Area of Polygons | Interactive lessons including finding the areas of Squares, Rectangles, Parallelograms, Triangles, Trapezoids |
Picture This | Create Some Magic with Tangram Puzzles. Click on the blue triangle to get your free Tangram puzzle pieces. |
Polyhedra in the Classroom | Constructing paper 3-D models of geometric shapes |
Tangrams | Tangram activity with tangram pieces to print out and ideas for tangram puzzles. |
Tangrams | Construct tangram puzzles with Geometry shapes and create string art Geometry. |
Tessellation Tutorials | Elaborate explanation of tessellation shapes and Claris Works tessellation tips. |
Tessellations | Student tessellations |
The Fractal Microscope | An interactive tool designed for the student to explore fractal patterns. This is discovery-based learning at its best! With this program students combine the art of math with the science of math. Enjoy the bizarrely beautiful geometric images and patterns of fractals. |
The Geometry Junkyard | A colorful place to explore geometry patterns and shapes |
The Shape of Bubbles | What is the shape of a bubble? Learn about shapes and what causes abubble to form a sphere! |
Virtual Polyhedra | A collection of thousands of virtual reality polyhedra for you to explore |