
Syzygy 3.0


Besides being a really cool looking and sounding word, syzygy is a word that signifies the relationship of two things in opposition. This relationship can be symbolized by the T'ai-chi T'u, or Diagram of the Supreme Ultimate, commonly known as the yin-yang symbol. This image is deeply instructive to me as a Christian. It reminds me that Christ stood his ground in the midst of opposing tensions, namely those of good and evil, rich and poor, perceptive and confused, loyal and unfaithful, heaven and earth and life and death. This site was originally intended to display my progress in developing software that explored the concept of syzygy. My current pursuits, however, do not include this as a priority. Click on the link to see one of my first Java animations of an electron caught between a proton and an outer ring which acts as a positively charged barrier keeping the electron trapped within. The idea of this animation is to explore a natural syzygy between oppositely charged particles.

Syzygy (05-13-2002)