Suspension of Harikesa Dasa


 Germany - Executive Committee of the Governing Body Commission International Society for Krishna Consciousness


After a thorough investigation into the circumstances surrounding the recent activities of Harikesa Swami, the GBC Executive Committee has decided to suspend him from the following positions, duties, and/or responsibilities within the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON):

1. The ISKCON Governing Body Commission (GBC); 2. GBC Minister of Educational Development;

3. Property Trustee for any and all the properties within ISKCON; 4. Chairman of the SMPDC.

Additionally, the GBC Executive Committee places him on probation with respect to his duties as an initiating guru in ISKCON.


These decisions taken by the GBC Executive Committee are within the authority granted to us under ISKCON Law. Section grants the authority to suspend an ISKCON Leader in an emergency situation; Section provides for the terms of the suspension; Section the rectification program; and Section governs the period of the suspension. Attachment #1 provides the complete text of these sections of ISKCON Law.

Section grants the authority to place an ISKCON initiating guru on probation. Attachment #2 provides the complete text of this section of ISKCON Law.


Based on numerous personal interviews with Harikesa Swami, and on his own statements, we believe that he is currently unable to represent His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada.

The GBC Executive Committee has stopped short of using its authority to remove Harikesa Swami fully from his positions within ISKCON with the hope that he will rectify himself according to the terms of rectification stated herein and return to service in the society.


As stated in ISKCON Law (See Attachments #1 and #2).


ISKCON Law states that "the guru may be put under probation with specific conditions which regulate his guru functions (including temporary withdrawal of authorization to initiate new disciples)."

Accordingly, the terms of probation for Harikesa dasa are: That for the term of his probation

  1. his authorization to initiate new disciples is withdrawn,
  2. he shall not exercise an absolute siksa position in relation to his present and aspiring disciples, nor shall his disciples accept him in that position;
  3. his disciples may continue to offer puja and bhoga to him and to recite his pranam mantras; or they may perform these functions instead to Srila Prabhupada alone; or to both of them together. The choice among these belongs to the individual disciple to make.


1. The GBC must be assured that Harikesa dasa has been returned to a sound mental and spiritual condition. 2. If he has undergone a change of asrama, such change must receive the approval of the GBC.


The suspension/probation shall continue until the Annual Meeting of the GBC at Mayapur in 1999, at which time all circumstances surrounding Harikesa dasa shall be reviewed.


Harikesa Swami has directly stated to the Executive Committee, as well as to other devotees, that he is no longer a sannyasi, and that he intends to marry. He has given up sannyasa dress and no longer wishes to be addressed as Swami. Therefore, the Executive Committee acknowledges that he should not be recognized as a member of the renounced order of life, and if he wishes to again be considered a sannyasi he should follow the procedures provided in ISKCON Law Section Attachment #3 provides the complete text of this section of ISKCON Law.

Dated: 11 August 1998



Ravindra Svarupa dasa


ISKCON LAW 5.5.5 Suspension Procedure If he has been on probation for at least one year and the situation has not been rectified, the Divisional Council, by two thirds (2/3) majority vote can recommend to suspend an ISKCON Leader. If approved by the local GBC(s) concerned and other GBC's (totaling a minimum of three GBCs, preferably from the same region), he may be suspended from his present position until either his suspension is revoked or he is removed. In addition, the ISKCON Leader's local GBC Zonal Secretary along with two consenting GBC's, or an authorized ISKCON Judicial Committee, or the GBC Body, shall also have the power to suspend an ISKCON Leader. In emergencies the GBC Executive Committee can suspend an ISKCON Leader. Terms of Suspension The terms applying to a suspended ISKCON Leader for the duration of his period of suspension shall be as follows: 1. He may not exercise any authority of his previously held position. 2. He may not vote as an ISKCON Leader. 3. He must be assigned a specific program of rectification. Rectification Program The rectification and proper engagement of a suspended ISKCON Leader shall be a primary concern. As a result, the suspending body shall assign the offending ISKCON Leader a specific program of rectification for the duration of the period of suspension. The assigned program of rectification shall be understood as an opportunity for the suspended ISKCON Leader to redress himself and to regain his status as an ISKCON Leader in good standing. The suspending body shall personally, or through a delegated council/committee, carefully monitor the progress of the ISKCON Leader throughout his period of suspension. This committee shall submit quarterly progress reports to the suspending body. Period of Suspension The period of suspension shall not exceed one year at which time the GBC Body, at its annual meeting, shall carefully consider the case of the suspended ISKCON Leader and remove, or relocate and give whatever directions or and either reinstate, or conditions deemed appropriate.

5.5.6 Removal Under normal circumstances, an ISKCON Leader will be removed from his position only after being suspended and unable to rectify his situation. Such cases should be resolved by the GBC Body. There should ideally be no change of Presidents or ISKCON Leaders. If there are any difficulties they should be resolved by careful mediation. However, in an urgent situation the Executive Committee, in conjunction with the local GBC Zonal Secretary (if he is in good standing, and if not they may do it on their own) shall be empowered to remove an ISKCON Leader. An urgent situation shall be defined as: 1. Any violation which endangers ISKCON's stability and security locally, nationally or internationally which cannot wait for the usual process of suspension and removal. 2. Severe spiritual, philosophical or moral deviation. 3. Rebellion against the authority of Srila Prabhupada and the GBC Body.


ISKCON LAW Emergency Reports

If any approved guru has: 1. taken reinitiation/shelter of a non-ISKCON guru or institution; 2. rejected ISKCON or Srila Prabhupada; or 3. undergone a change of service, of arama, or of living situation, which the local GBC member feels threatens to hamper the approved guru's ability to give guidance or to set a proper standard of conduct for disciples, then the GBC member shall submit an emergency report to the Executive Committee. If possible, this report shall include a written statement from the guru in question as to his intentions in regard to his disciples and his devotional service. If not possible, then the report shall at least include a description of the approved guru's intentions as best they can be discerned through the investigation of the GBC member. The report shall also contain any other information which would be of value to the GBC Body in determining the guru's status, as well as the recommendations of the local Temple Presidents, zonal councils, etc.

The Executive Committee shall review the emergency reports and take any necessary action. Probation If the warnings are not heeded, or if the deviation or neglect of spiritual practices are of a more serious nature, or if the transgressions of guru codes of behavior are serious and habitual, the guru may be put under probation with specific conditions which regulate his guru functions (including temporary withdrawal of authorization to initiate new disciples). In addition he may be given general recommendations or specific activities to perform as part of a program for his rectification and eventual reinstatement. Suspension If a guru blatantly ignores the terms of probation, or repeatedly breaks one or more of the regulative principles, or acts in a manner which seriously and harmfully disregards existing ISKCON or GBC policies, or leaves his arama of sannyasa without authorization, or leaves the association of devotees and the ISKCON movement, or completely deviates from standard sadhana, he may be suspended. If a guru is suspended he cannot give initiation, nor maintain an absolute siksa position in relation with his disciples, nor be introduced as a spiritual master, nor perform his guru functions such as receiving guru-puja or the acceptance of daksina.


ISKCON LAW Reinstatement Procedures for a Devotee who has Fallen from his Sannyasa Vows

If a sannyasi frequently falls down or goes away for a prolonged time from ISKCON but later returns, the following procedure is to be followed: 1. A sannyasi who returns should not wear the sannyasa dhoti, but later he may also be re-instated. Exactly when these procedures should be used will have to be judged according to individual circumstances. 2. Anyone abandoning the sannyasa arama to take up the grhasta asrama shall immediately relinquish his sannyasi name and title and resume his name at first initiation.



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