'HK disciples begin to turn on each other'

Dear Maharajas and Prabhus,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
Lately I have been getting: life threats, suicide threats, com rage, love letters and a lot of other bewildered stuff, mainly from the CIS. Some of my best friends are from the CIS. Many of them are afraid to speak up, since insanity reigns and unstable people dictate public opinion.
Our spiritual master says: "No violence" (see his latest fax message). There is violence, life threats, suicide threats etc.
He says: "Never leave ISKCON, no matter what" (see dozens of his lectures). Some leave to St. Petersburg, declaring it a "non-ISKCON" temple.
"Cooperate and push forward the sankirtan movement" (AGTSD book, lectures) Some say, "Follow us and not the GBC." As a result book distribution decreases
Sastra says: "Follow the guidance of guru, sadhu and sastra."
They say, "Only follow guru, and only we know what guru says/wants."
I say: "I have never betrayed, cheated or rejected my spiritual master."
They say "NND [Navina Nirada Dasa] is a traitor and a demon. Don't talk, write or listen to him."
Now I don't mind being the bad guy, if that would help. But when I see how innocent devotees are cheated by so called leaders, I do mind.
We are all responsible for our actions. If any of the devotees gets physical, mental, or spiritual harm, who will be responsible?
Can anyone take that responsibility?
Srila Prabhupada wanted the members of this movement to become "Self reliant and independently thoughtful."
"Your love for me will be shown in how you cooperate after I have left." Our spiritual masters are still here and already the fighting has started.
There has to be change, there will be change, but don't destroy the movement in the process of change. Don't throw out the baby with the wash water.
Waiting patiently for better times, knowing that there are many faithful, loving and mature devotees in ISKCON, who are surrendering their lives for the preaching mission of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. They wont regret it.
Begging to remain your servant
Navina Nirada Dasa

Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
All glories to His Divine Grace A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada!