HKS Update - 17/8/98


Text COM:1603322 <CIS:145784> (60 lines)
From: Krsnaloka (Moscow Radio)
Date: 16-Aug-98 12:25
To: SV disciples [1656]
Cc: RFF (Regional Free Forum for HR/SLO/YU/BiH/MAC) [509]
Dadhibhaksa (das) HKS (Rijeka - HR))
Cc: SV CIS-disciples <>
Subject: ISKCON revival manifesto
Dear devotees all over the world!
Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

ISKCON revival Manifesto

The whole ISKCON all over the world is moaning. Why some people leave ISKCON? They are also Srila Prabhupada's children and grandsons tortured by mismanagement of ISKCON. There are many arguments and we are reading letters of ISKCON particular members full of tears, bewilderment, pain and accusations of their own
organization or what is happening in it. Beating children, humiliation of women, driving away incapable devotees, small or serious moral insults of devotees. We can't stand and bear it any more! And how was it possible for Harikesa Swami Sri Visnupad to stand it?! Why do you think that he who decided to lose all his positions, authorities, posts and money for the happiness of each and every ISKCON member isn't suffering? Sri
Visnupad has many proposals and plans how to revive ISKCON and make it's members happy. But GBC and GBC's executive committee didn't want to share with him his projects instead they rejected him and even humiliated for his attempt to do something really new and good for the whole ISKCON world. The majority of ISKCON
members is suffering. People write letters to our organizations and our leaders who can't help them. If we as members of organization are suffering for it, the same as Sri Visnupad is doing, we can't and have no right to keep silence! ISKCON has to be revived! And the importance of each ISKCON member must be taken into consideration and become the basis of new ISKCON. The guideline is -to protect devotees as it's revealed in sastras but not hesitantly postponing the solution of their problems for later. When we manage to create better conditions for each devotee's spiritual and material happiness our organization will be prosperous and it will not throw away even those who dedicate their life for the embodiment of Srila Prabhupada's ideas and establishing of prosperous ISKCON. Having rejected Sri Visnupada's genius ideas about ISKCON development and having
underestimate their importance so called ISKCON government or GBC executive committee revealed openly their unwillingness for radical changes and showed their full misunderstanding of the real situation in ISKCON! THEREFORE WE CLAIM: THEY MUST IMMEDIATELY RESIGN AS A "GOVERNMENT" THAT IS UNABLE TO CREATE FAVORABLE CONDITIONS FOR THE WELLBEING AND SPIRITUAL PROGRESS OF THEIR SUBJECTS, if they have even small idea of what is honor, justice and respect towards human rights, declared and signed even by karmic governments. WE HAVE TO UNITE ISKCON AND CREATE A NEW GOVERNMENT. Everybody want only happiness and prosperity of
ISKCON, including each and every devotee. Everybody who has money, position, possibility for traveling freely all over the world and who observe with their own eyes all difficulties of our movement -remember that it is a movement of personalists. And you are doing nothing now for making any positive changes. You are sleeping shifting responsibility from one to another. You are too much formalistic, open your heart and intelligence! We hope that members of GBC who think objectively will discuss it and face the truth and then decide: do they go with Srila Prabhupada who wanted each ISKCON devotee to be happy or continue to support those whose leadership brought troubles to many devotees!?

SOS! Russian devotees are obstructed to send messages and cut from Free Forum and other conferences of Swedish com Raktambara d. is in charge of. This also do not coincide with civil rights of human beings. What to say about vaisnava attitude! Please spread this message as widely as possible.

Your servants, The unit of Russian disciples of Sri Visnupad
(Text COM:1603322) -----------------------------------------


Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!

All glories to His Divine Grace A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada!