HK group takes $800,000 in books

Update on official BBT statement
Following the official BBT media release regarding the change in BBT leadership, we received the following information from our BBT sources:
"Sanyasa Das took control of the BBT warehouse in Moscow along with book stocks worth 800 thousand US Dollars. His Holiness Jaya Advaita Swami went to Moscow to save the situation, but the horses had already left the barn."
We then put the above to the BBT communications office for their reply. They gave us the following response:
Dear IRG.
Thank you for the opportunity to clarify our earlier statement. I was able to contact HH Jayadvaita Maharaj in Moscow and put your questions to him.
The more accurate figure is probably a little less than your informant suggests, in terms of the value of the books at the time they were printed. How much the books are worth now, in today's Russian economy, is unclear.
While still in charge and in good standing, Sannyasa himself had been responsible for needless overprinting. And so the Russian BBT had a huge book stock.
Sannyasa has now seized control of about 40% of that stock. The other 60% lies with ISKCON. That 60% probably amounts to enough books to last 5 years or more.
The building in Moscow is not really a building; it's the BBT offices on the ISKCON premises in Moscow. As of last week, Sannyasa and his devotees were busy vacating those offices. It is likely that whichever of those people haven't yet shifted to St Petersburg will have gone by the end of this week.
I hope that answers the questions you had. Please contact us at the BBT Communications Office for any further information.
Your servants in the service of Srila Prabhupada.
Bhagavat Dharma das and Anjana Dasi
On COM - bbtco@com.bbt.se
On the Net - bbtco@netcomuk.co.uk

Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
All glories to His Divine Grace A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada!