Check out the six styles that are the third series of Furbs. There's Lamb, Gorilla, Frog, Elephant, Snow Leopard and the mystery style which was held back, Flamingo Furby. Take a look, and then vote for your favourite style at the bottom! |
This one is Lamb Furby. Cut him up and serve him with roast potatoes and peas. Kidding. Or, if you like, sheer him out in the back yard shed and watch the sparks fly off his little body. Kidding again. I'm not kidding this time, Lamb Furby has woolly Lamb Furby which kinda makes him/her a bit different than other Furbys.
Gorilla Furby. He pounds his chest with his ears and climbs onto your dining table to steal bananas from the fruit bowl. I'm kidding, again. And he doesn't live in your back garden amongst the vines either.
And here we have Frog Furby. Looks more like an Irish leprechaun to me. Anyway, there's no doubt Furby fans will go mad for this one simply 'cos it's green. Just don't put him in your goldfish tank and expect him to swim and/or keep working.
Elephant Furby. No, he doesn't stomp all over your parents VCR, and he doesn't squirt water from his mouth unless you fit him out with a hose. His ears are exactly the same size as all other Furby's ears too, by the way.
Snow Leopard Furby, who's fur resembles the pattern like that of a cone shell. For those of you who are unaware, a cone shell is a deadly little critter that shoots poisonous harpoons at you. Fascinating fact #67.
Tiger Electronics held back the release of Flamingo Furby, just to be silly. As you can see, Flamingo Furby is two-tone pink. Kinda reminds us of a Redskin . .