Spring Furby

blueflower.BMP (23742 bytes)

Image Gallery



Do you want more pictures Spring Furby? You do? Greedy!


FurbySpringPromo.jpg (14759 bytes)    


FurbySpringApron.jpg (4861 bytes)


furbyspring02.bmp (180086 bytes)


FurbySpringPromo2.jpg (6440 bytes)


Springsailor.bmp (55890 bytes)


FurbyJapIconPurp01.gif (3601 bytes)

We made this little icon, so if you want to use it on your webpage, you have to get our permission. We'll let you use it as long as you tell us.


SpringAA.bmp (29246 bytes)AAAASpring.bmp (22758 bytes)


FurbySpringAnim.gif (18952 bytes)



That's All,

blueflower.BMP (23742 bytes)




button.BMP (7478 bytes)



Disclaimer: Spring Furby, Furby and all related indicia remain the Property of Tiger Toys/Hasbro. Topsy Furby is an unofficial kick ass website about Tiger's Furby. C, R & TM. Stop reading this and get on with it.