Topsy Furby Presents The . . .
Topsy Furby
Due for release in August!
Hit me baby one more time! Sorry, I couldn't help myself....
These cute little critters are the
yet-to-be-released Furby Babies from Tiger Toys/Hasbro. Furby Babies function exactly as
Furby does, although they cannot dance. In place of the game Furby plays, "Ask
Furby" there is a game listed on their advertisement flier as "Follow
Furby". They also play "Furby Says" so "Follow Furby" can't be
that type of see a scan of the fliers, visit the Topsy Furby Furby Babies
Image Gallery. Furby Babies have high-pitched, baby-like voices and personalities, and can communicate with all current Furbys as well as other Furby Babies. They're shorter than Furby, being about three-quaters of the size. As with Furby, their eye colours vary. The shot above is of protocols, and the actual styles are : blue with pink hair and white chest, fuschia with blue hair and white chest, orange with yellow hair and white chest, mint with white hair/chest, pure white, and yellow with orange hair/chest. Check out a heap of images of Furby Babies in our Furby Babies Image Gallery . Furby Babies will come in pale blue boxes, and all will have white eyelashes. As with standard Furby, there will be subsequent generations of Furby Babies. There are currently no plans for special limited edition Furby Babies. AND Furby Babies will feature a different set of names to standard Furby. Stay tuned to The Topsy Furby Times for the latest updates. We've also dug up this kewl Furby Babies cartoon video series! Well worth a look and not many people know these cartoons exist, except kewl Topsy Furby visitors, of course. Muhahahaha!
We also have definite comfirmation that Furby Babies WILL be available later this month. (That's August, guys, so mark your calendar and start saving!) |
Click below for . . .
Coming Soon for the Topsy Furby Baby page:
Furby Baby Name Database
Additional Furby Baby Images
Furby Baby Adoption Registry Certificates
Plus more!
DISCLAIMER: Furby, Furby Babies and all
related indicia remain the property of Hasbro/Tiger Toys. (R) (C) and TM 1999