My Old Lincoln Douglas Cases

These cases are the ones that I have used and excelled with on various topics.  These cases are under copyright law, so don't plan on using them in a debate round. Trust me, if you do and your opponent knows it, then you will LOSE the round.  These cases are here to help you develop some case ideas and evidence sources that are very useful.


Feb/March  1999- Resolved:  "Human genetic engineering is morally justified."

Dec 1998/Jan 1999- Resolved:  "Capital punishment is justified."

Oct/Nov 1998- Resolved: "Laws which protect people from themselves are justified."

Baylor Debate Workshop 1998- Resolved:  "That the right of an individual to emigrate ought to be valued above a nation's right to limit immigration."

Feb/March 1998- Resolved:  "Civil disobedience in a democracy is justified."

Dec 1997/Jan 1998- Resolved:  "An adolescent's right to privacy ought to be valued above a parent's right to know."

Oct/Nov 1997- Resolved:  "Global concerns ought to be valued above conflicting national concerns."