Pneumatikos Original Music

This graphic taken from an actual stone in the Wailing Wall of Herod's Temple

An Easter Cantata

Song Playing:   "The Last Supper"
by Paul A. Hughes

from the Easter Cantata "The Secret"

Note:   General MIDI required for accurate playback.

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Play or download MIDI file "The Last Supper" (John 13:21, 25, 31, 32, 34, 35) (supper.mid)

(Jesus) Truly, I say to you,
One of you shall betray me.

(Disciples) One of us shall betray him?


(Disciples) Who is it, Lord?

(Jesus) It is the one to whom
I shall give this bread,
Once I have dipped it.

(Disciples) It is the one to whom
He shall give this bread,
Once He has dipped it!


(Disciples) Judas!

(Jesus) What thou doest, do quickly!


(1x Jesus, 2x disciples)
Now is the Son of Man glorified,
And God is glorified in Him;
If God be glorified in Him,
God shall glorify Him in himself.

(Jesus) A new commandment
Give I to you:
That ye love, that ye love one another.
By this shall all men know
Ye are my disciples,
That ye have love one for another.

Where I go, ye cannot follow,
But shall follow me afterward.


(Peter) Lord, why cannot
I follow after thee?
I shall lay down my life for thy sake!


(Disciples) Lord why cannot
I now follow thee?
For I will lay down my life for thy sake.

(Jesus, spoken)
Truly, I say to thee,
The cock shall not crow twice,
'Till you have denied my three times.

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Rev. Paul A. Hughes, M.Div., is an ordained minister, Bible teacher, writer, musician, and songwriter. He is available nationally for pulpit ministry, Bible teaching, singles seminars, Holy Spirit conferences, and music ministry.

©1997, 2002 Paul A. Hughes
Last updated April 2003.  For more information, comments, or suggestions, write or