Are you Spiritual?

by Rev. Paul A. Hughes, M.Div.

The spiritual person . . .

. . . lays all things on the altar.

. . . crucifies the flesh and takes up his cross daily.

. . . being already dead, knows no distress, worry, or fear.

. . . is dead not only to sin, but to self.

. . . denies not only lust, but also natural affection.

. . . does not despair in hardship, suffering, or confusion.

. . . trusts God implicitly.

. . . no longer claims his rights before God.

. . . no longer demands to know why.

. . . no longer seeks conventional forms of self-fulfillment.

. . . is a true servant, attending to the Lord and neglecting self.

. . . no longer strives to work for the Lord in his own strength.

. . . does not require external stimuli to "feel" spiritual.

"You are spiritual only to the extent that you are no longer carnal."

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Last updated March 2002. For more information, comments, or suggestions, write or