Take a Lesson from Baseball

Ty Cobb and 'the Christian Gentleman'

It is a commonplace in American society that you can learn a lot about life from sports: teamwork, leadership, perseverance, and so on. No sport has been more integral to American society than baseball.

While watching the recent telecast of Ken Burns' PBS documentary, "Baseball," I was struck by the stories of two of the most famous ballplayers of all time: Ty Cobb and Christy Mathewson.

Cobb and Mathewson both began playing ball around the turn of the century. Tyrus Cobb had a rough childhood and grew up to be competitive in the extreme. According to one story, Cobb was once sharing accomodations with another player. It was his practice to return home before his roommate and take a bath.

The remainder of this article is now included in:

Divine Parodies & Holy Histories:  with Select Poems:  Illustrations of Gospel Truth

What happens when God sends Elijah to a worship seminar?  Who will help the Little Red Hen evangelize her community?  How did a Japanese pilot who bombed Pearl Harbor become a Christian evangelist?  Why did a pastor hide his face with a cloth for the rest of his life?  Discover the answers to these and more in this collection of original illustrations written by the author, meant to convey and apply Biblical Christian principles.

ISBN 978-1-4303-0781-5 paperback, 104 pp., 6 x 9 in., with index.

God's Trombone Books by Paul Hughes

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© 1996 Paul A. Hughes
Last updated May 2007. For more information, comments, or suggestions, write pneuma@aggienetwork.com