April 2003. For more information, comments, or suggestions, write westloop@yahoo.com or pneuma@aggienetwork.com
"Abide in the Vine" (John 15:1-2, 4-7) (abide.mid)
I am the True Vine,
My Father's the Vinedresser;
Each branch in me that beareth not,
He taketh away;
And ev'ry branch that beareth fruit,
He purges it,
That it may bear more fruit.Abide in me, and I in you;
For the branch cannot bear fruit
Of itself;
Abide in the Vine.I am the Vine,
You are a branch:
He that abides in me,
The same brings forth much fruit;
Abide in the Vine.If a man abide not in me,
That branch is withered,
And men gather them
And cast them into the fire;
If you abide in me,
And my words abide in you,
You may ask what you will,
And it shall be done unto you.Abide in me, etc.
I am the Vine, etc.
The same brings forth much fruit;
Abide in the Vine.
Abide in me.
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Rev. Paul A. Hughes, M.Div., is an ordained minister, Bible teacher, writer, musician, and songwriter. He is available nationally for pulpit ministry, Bible teaching, singles seminars, Holy Spirit conferences, and music ministry.
©1997, 2002 Paul A. Hughes
Last updated