Van Nuys, California
Sign the Mulholland Jr. High School Class of 1971 Guestbook
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of the Mulholland Jr. High School
Class of 1971 Reunion on July 11, 1998.
Mr. Zellmer, Mr. Jarvis, Ron Shapiro, Karyn Brubaker, Susan Knudson, David Titcher
Mulholland Alumni (Last Names A through K)
? indicates there is no known address for this person.
MULHOLLAND ALUMNI (Last Names A through K):
? Ron Aalseth
? Traci Abramson
? Andrea Aenis
S Denise Alexander
? Doug Alexander
? Glen Alpert
S Mark Ambard (talked to)
S Noor Amier (talked to)
? Donald Anderson
? Charles Andrews
? Ted Apple
? Debbie Appleton
? Chris Armen
? Danny Amett
? Marc Arnold
S Carla Arranaga (talked to)
? Cindy Arranaga
? Jim Atkins
S Donald Bachtel
? Steven Baker
? Monette Baldwin
? Laurie Bailey
? Karen Bailinson
? Jeanne Bankes
S Kelley Barclay
S Gwen Barnett
? Lee Baresi
? Robin Barker
? Lori Barnes
? Peter Barnes
? James Barto
? Joan Bauer
? Randall Bauer
? Betty Jo Beckman
? Chuck Beck
S Diane Cadamy
? Missi Caffey
S Janice Callahan
S Darwin Campbell (talked to)
? Suzanne Campbell
? Stuart Cane
? Mike Carlis
? Tim Carlson
? Jim Carson
? Dale Carr
? Ron Carr
? Steve Casaus
? Frank Casian
? Daniel Castronova
? Mike Catain
S Lynn Ceson (talked to)
S Wayne Christensen
? George Christopherson
? Tom Claire
? Cheryl Clark
? George Clark
? Susan Clark
? Susan Clutterham
S Debbie Cohen
? Cathleen Cole
? Debbie Coleman
? Catherine Collom
? Bob Colomb
? Helen Cons
S Randi Coodin
? Bopie Cook
? Brian Cool
? David Cooper
? Dana Cort
? Corie Critser
? Gary Cronin
? Mary Cullum
? Matt Cutter
? John Dacosta
? Cole Dale
? Fabrizio Danova
S Denyse Darling
? Deborah Davis
? Fred Davis
? Debbie Davison
? Bill Davy
? Barbara Dean
? Shirley De Bruin
? Patricia Degraw
? Rae De Ley
? Diane Delgado
? Steve Delladio
S Lydia De Necochea
? Jeffrey Denicholas
? Mike Devorre
? Lori Dexter
? Bill Di Blass
? Ken Dillingham
S Elaine Dodge
? Eric Domeyer
S La Vonne Eaton
? John Ehlers
? Mike Eisenberg
? Sue Elias
S John Ely
? Carla Emondt
S Paul Enos
? Luke Epstein
? Mark Epstein
S Lisa Eshman
? James Esswein
? Wendall Eugenio
S Lisbeth Fairbanks
? Dale Fandrich
? Connie Farley
? Steve Farmer
? Michael Faris
? Kathy Farrat
? Ken Ferrier
? Gary Garber
? Sue Garcia
? Gloria Garde
? Paul Gardy
? Stephen Garoutte
? Brandon Gebhart
? David Geenen
? Nick Geisse
? Maurice Ghysels
S Nancy Gillman
Kelly Gillmore (deceased)
? Steve Gincig
? Ned Ginsburg
? David Glass
? Debbie Globig
S Jayne Goldberg
? Terry Godwater
? Patricia Gonzales
? Rick Gonzales
? Barbara Goodman
? Kim Goodwin
? Rebecca Gottfried
? Jeanette Graham
? Alexander Gray
? Jeff Greenwald
? Martin Greenwall
? Edith Griffin
? Rock Grindle
S Teresa Grossi
S Dale Gustafsan
? Douglas Haak
S Roger Hall
? Lois Halvorsen
? Steve Hamilton
? Bryce Hampton
? Mike Hampton
? Kathie Haraison
? Dale Hardt
S Nick Harriton
S Debbie Harris (talked to)
? Matt Harris
? Robert Harris
? Daniel Hart
? Kathy Hart
? Marty Harthcock
? Bonnie Hartson
? Rick Hasler
? Mark Hateley
? Randal Hauck
S Linda Hawk
S Sandy Hazelwood
? Bill Heath
? Faith Hellinger
? Janet Henchman
? Bruce Hendricks
? Rudy Hernandez
Charles Herzik (deceased)
S Walter Hilker
? Howard Hirsch
? Terry Hirschfield
S Susan Hobson
? Cynthia Hodges
S Kevin Homer
? Tim Homsy
S Lee Honigsfeld
? Don Hosea
? Kim Hosea
S Michael House
? Larry Howigsber
S Karen Hughson
S Greg Imlay
? Debbie Imorde
? Jerome Ingram
S Fran Jacobson
? Randy James
S James Jamison
? Richard Jandagriff
? Lynn Jensen
? Tom Jenson
? Carrie John
S Jen Johnson
S Melody Johnson
? Michael Johnson
? Blake Johnson
? Phil Jones
S Lisa Jorgensen
S Laurie Kafesjian
? Peggy Kamashian
? Bill Kanady
? Gail Kapelowitz
? Lesa Kary
S Jack Katchadourian
S Ellen Kater
? Carol Katz
? Robin Keebler
? Jill Kelley
? Marisa Kelly
? Scott Kempf
S Debbie Kenshur
S Steve Kenshur
? Robin Kentor
? Craig Keoshian
? Greg Kerber
? Kathy Kerze
? Teri Kessler
? Craig Kimmel
S Marian Kimura (talked to)
? Cheryl Kind
? Richard King
? Kim Klattenberg
? Leslie Klausner
? Jon Klein
? Lisa Klein
Mulholland Junior High School Class of 1971 Alumni:
Who Came to the Reunion (Classmates: Last Names L through Z)
Mulholland Junior High School and Hesby Street School Teachers:
Who Came to the Reunion (Special Guests: Teachers)
Mulholland Junior High School Class of 1971 Reunion Photo Gallery
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