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Welcome....enjoy your stay

Welcome brethren..

I have had the privilege of both reading & posting these writings by George H. Warnock. I know that they will both confirm and edify each member of the body of Christ which is being formed in the earth. If I can help in any way, please e-mail me at christineb@sprint.ca or seekinghis@meatindueseason.org . I have spent a great deal of time proof-reading these texts and making the pages a little quicker to load at the new domain: http://www.meatindueseason.org . Please feel free to download these writings if you desire for your viewing. Original copies are also available from George Warnock at no cost, as the Lord enables. I have set up a "Downloads" page with a list of the books prepared in rich-text formatting. They may be read in simple programs such as write/wordpad. They are available to download in .zip or .exe format.


Publications Available by George H. Warnock (Printed by permission)

1The Feast Of Tabernacles

A Study of the 3 annual feasts in Israel, and their fulfillment in the Church.

2Evening And Morning

How God brings us back to fundamentals, but forward to new realms in God.

3"Feed My Sheep"

Deals particularly with the nature and responsibility of ministry in the Church.

4The Hyssop That Springeth Out Of The Wall

A lesson in God?s ways. The lowly Hyssop... always related to sacrifice.

5From Tent To Temple

How God has progressively moved from one tent to another, finally taking up His Habitation in man.

6Who Are You?

About the Victory of the Cross, and a challenge as to our identity with the overcomers in Zion.

7Crowned With Oil

God?s people a Royal Priesthood, in virtue of the Anointing.


8PART I. The Family of God

God?s dealings with His chosen family, illustrated in the lives of Joseph and his brethren.

9PART II. A Way Through the Wilderness

How God leads His people through the Wilderness, and into Canaan.

10PART III. The Journey of the Bride

The Bride of Christ..based on the story of Isaac & Rebekah.

11PART IV. Chain Reaction in Realms of the Spirit

The Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus...God?s only Way for His Church, and the only Way to reach the nations.

12PART V. The Garden of God

The Gardener waits for the fruit.

check this out!!

2The Reproof To The Seven Churches Of Revelation
Expounding with Strong's Concordance(Rev. 1-3:22)


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Copyright © 1998/1999/2000 Christine Harbord ~ These works were all laboured upon (typed, editted and formatted by myself unless otherwise noted on the individual webpages) after obtaining permission from each ministry, and the download files were made for your reading convenience and pleasure. You are free to download or copy my labours for personal use (may be freely downloaded and copied for personal reading, printing, and sharing amongst the brethren). I ask that  you link to the appropriate pages insteading of copying & pasting or uploading these pages to your own website without my notification--this includes the "download texts" that I have spent countless hours typing and editting. (this is not personal use). What is Copyright? If you feel unable to do this or have any inquiries about public use of these files, please contact me.. thanks.
