Here I Am

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Author: Penny L. Flanders

Here I am, surrounded by the sea
set upon the jagged rocks
I feel the mist of overspray
as the waves come crashing in

I gaze up at the sea of stars
searching for a part of me
this part of me so far away
The part of me,, that's inside of you

I lose myself to a world of dreams
hearing no sound, nor feeling the chill
For I have become like a feather in the wind
whisked far away to another place

Here I am in your arms safe from harm
gently resting against your chest
I hear your heart beating along with mine
and smell the sweet essence of your cologne

I feel your touch as your fingers graze my hair
and your lips caress my cheek
Whispering softness in my ear
telling me you love me

You take my hand in yours as we walk along a path
chatting about every day things from cars to butterflies
I bask in the warmth your love brings to me
A love everlasting, so deep and strong
If I could sieze this moment to cherish forever
I would be the richest woman in the world
for nothing could surpass all that you've given me

Here I am surrounded by the sea
back on these familiar rocks
with the moment I have captured for us alone to share

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Dream Your Dreams



My Dad