I met a man with smiling eyes
a sweet gentle smile that hypnotized
With a warm heart and gentle hand
a man named David from another land
I've seen him in a picture
I've seen him in my dreams
This man with such a heart as I have never seen
In my mind I see him there
so close, so clear, so wonderfully dear
he came to me one evening
like a whirlwind in flight
we talked, we laughed, my, but we must have been a sight
I could sense the torment that he carries
I bid him stay, for he has naught to worry
I shall hold him dear in my heart
give him my friendship that shall never part
Forever his friend I shall remain
hoping to only..help ease his pain
To give him my hand...say walk with me
and I will enlighten you on what true friendship means
To never walk away from you
in times of trouble and in times of good
To show you that forever you will be in my heart
Fear not my friend, for I shall never leave you troubled
I am with you every step of the way
to stand back in the shadows at your request
I will never be far away
You have but these few words to say
I need you my friend
Author: Penny Flanders
All of my poems are
so please do not take them as your own