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A Meeting was Held not Far From Earth
"It's Time Again for a Another Birth,"
Said the Angels to the Lord Above.
"This Special Child will Need Much Love."
His Progress may Seem Very Slow
Accomplishments He May not Show
And He'll Require extra Care
From the Folks he Meets Way down There,
He May not Run or Laugh or Play;
His Thoughts may seem Quite Far Away.
In Many Ways He Won't Adapt.
and He'll be Known as Handicapped.
So Let's be Careful Where He's sent
We want His Life to be Content,
Please, Lord, Find Parents who
Will do a Special Job for You.
They will not Realize Right Away
The Leading Role they're Asked to Play
But with this Child Sent from Above
Comes Stronger Faith and Richer Love.
And Soon They'll know the Privilege Given
In Caring for this Gift from Heaven.
Their Precious Charge, so Meek and Mild
Is Heaven's very Special Child."
Hi Folks, This is our daughter Christina. She was born October 18, 1970 with Cerebral Palsy. We were devastated at this news not knowing what to expect from this beautiful little baby girl, or how we would handle our situation. The Poem above was given to us by a friend with the throught it would open our eyes and we would look at the situation as it was. This happened almost immediately and then we knew we just had brought into this world another child that would need our love and care as does any baby born to parents on this planet.

We feared that we would not be able to raise this child and educate her to the level necessary for her to lead a fruitful life and support herself in the economy of tomorrow. What little faith we must have had, our baby girl is now a women of 28 years and is stunningly beautiful. She has since completed two degrees, an AA with a major in Psychology and has earned several awards in doing so. She has also earned BS with a major in Psychology and graduated cum laude. Christina is back in school and is working on her Masters in Psychology with a major in Counciling, and at thge same time has started her studies in Computer Sciences.

Our love for Christina is great and we pay her tribute with this page in hopes that her life will be of equal value to others in, or of similiar circumstances. May the Lord bless her and keep her her under his care and in his heart.
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