
Second Page -- Additional information

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Of the five children of Alexander MacKay (McKay), also known as Allisdair McAllisdair McKay to leave Scotland for Nova Scotia, Alexander was the oldest. He was born in 1728 and became a member of the Fraser Highlanders under General Wolfe in the French and Indian War. He fought at the battles of Louisborg, Montmorency, and the Plains of Abraham. He is reputed to have been the strongest man in Wolfe's army, and legend holds that he was the second man in the attacking force to set foot on the aforementioned Plains. During that battle, he received a musket ball in the leg which he carried until his death, circa 1828. He returned to Scotland when his regiment was disbanded, marrying Nellie Calder. The couple had seven children together. Alexander's brother Donald was the next in age, born 1731. He accompanied younger brother Roderick (with Roderick's family) aboard the Ship Hector in 1773. He married Christy Fraser in Nova Scotia and settled the area now known as Foxbrook. Margaret was the next in age, Marrying John Robertson in February 1761. The couple and their children traveled aboad the Ship John in 1784 and founded the town of Churchville. John, born in 1725, was the grandson of Robert Robertson of Struan, factor to Lady Loval in 1690. Roderick McKay has been one of the individuals that history has been kind to. He seems to have inspired several historical writers with his acts, many of which are included in books detailing the history of Pictou County. He had married Christy Grant in Scotland prior to his voyage aboard the Ship Hector. He spent time in Halifax during the American revolution, working in the naval yard, and forging the chain across the mouth of the harbor. His daughter Anne would be the first wife of Rev. James McGregor. Hugh was the youngest member of the family, and the one who has been lost to time. In the very brief pieces of writing his name has appeared in, the most detailed account was performed by a later Roderick McKay who reported that he "Had settled below New Glasgow, but further knowledge of him I have not."

I apologize for the brief listing and run-on paragraph above. I'm extremely new to the web page game, and have yet to figure out the idiosyncrasies. I will be working toward paragraph breaks, and additional information in the days to come. If at any time you feel you may have a connection to one of these individuals, or just want to ask about the possibility, please feel free to E-mail me, and I can get back to you with detailed (and legible) information. Thanks for your patience.



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