
Greetings! Welcome to my web page...

Honestly, I don't know why you're here, and I think I know myself well enough to say that if I knew you were here, I'd probably stop working on this page altogether. So, let's keep your visit a secret, shall we? - at least until I've maintained a web page long enough to be indifferent about it all...

I am a writer. (And yes, I actually get paid for my work!) Since I taught writing several years ago in an unnamed university, I'm sure my former students (should they stumble upon this document) will be delighted with that disclosure...

  • Bloggone It! - Even "non-writers" have blogs, and here is mine.
  • Tantrum No. 8,763 - Curious as to how a seemingly average, 40-something adult becomes so neurotic? Take a peek at my gene pool.
  • Promises - aka "Death: The Great Motivator"
  • Counter

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