The people on this page, are all shameless, staunch S.O.B's (Supporters of Bill) There are a lot of other famous S.O.B's, but I picked just a few of the most outspoken ones, for the Hall of Shame....

Barbra Streisand

Probably the most pro-Clinton celebrity in Hollywood. She speaks at pro-Clinton rallies. She thinks he's just a wonderful leader... (That makes me laugh) Her famous quote is "We elected a President, not a Pope.." Hey, Babs!! We're not asking for a Pope, but is it too much to ask that the President of the United States, refrains from commiting FELONIES and sexually assaulting women while in office?!

Alec Baldwin

Alec Baldwin is one of the most blatant Clinton supporters around... Just days after it was revealed that Clinton had lied to the country and disgraced his office... Alec and his wife shamelessly hob-nobbed with the Clintons in the Hamptons, acting as though nothing had happened. Another disgusting thing, was when he went on the Conan O'Brien show, and did his ranting & raving "skit" calling for the people to "March to Washington and stone Henry Hyde to death!!! And kill his wife and his children!!!" It was ugly. He is almost as arrogant as his guy, Mr. Slick.

Jack Nicholson

This photo says it all.... These are the kind of people who support Bill Clinton. (Hahaa) Jack Nicholson has also attended pro-Clinton rallies, repeating the tired old mantra of the Left, that "This is his private life.." No, Jack... Getting blowjobs from a 21 year old federal employee, in the workplace, during working hours, (not to mention while you are a defendant in a sexual harassment lawsuit, and under scrutiny) IS NOT his "private life"!! How many times do we have to say this?! HELLO?!!!

Vanessa Redgrave

Radical leftist Vanessa Redgrave has been a spokesperson for the Left, for decades. She was a member of the Worker's Revolutionary Party, but she is basically a Marxist. She supports organizations that use terrorism, such as the PLO and the IRA. She went on Geraldo Rivera's cable show, and made even Geraldo look tame. Redgrave helped organize a petiton in support of Clinton, signed by international socialists, intellectuals, and Hollywood celebrities. Hey, Vanessa! Stick to acting, OK?

The Mainstream Media Hall of Shame

Geraldo Rivera

Geraldo Rivera is in love with Bill Clinton... That is the only explanation I can come up with, for his non-stop, nauseating, staunch defense of his man, Slick Willy. He also harshly attacks Clinton critics. To Geraldo, Clinton is the good guy, and the people who want to hold him accountable are "the bad guys". Geraldo has mastered the art of spinning and distorting the truth...

Alan Dershowitz

This is the guy who helped get O.J Simpson off the hook for a heinous double murder. And now, he is doing his thing again... helping another crook escape from justice. Thanks, Alan, for your positive contribution to society!

Eleanor Clift

Eleanor Clift is a regular on the cable news networks... constantly defending Slick, no matter what he does. He could probably commit murder on the White House front lawn, in broad daylight, and she'd have some excuse for him.

Bill Maher

This show, Politically Incorrect, can be entertaining, at times... but usually it is disgustingly pro-Clinton. Bill Maher (knowingly or not) promotes the notion that Clinton is "above the law".... because he is a powerful, important man - so we should cut him some slack. No, Bill.. Sorry. I don't know about you, but I don't want to live in Banana Republic, where the politicians are above the law, and there is no justice. What makes this country better than most, is we don't have a King, and we hold our leaders accountable. But with people like you around, we will end up with a corrupt dictator before long!

Stephanie Miller

Stephanie Miller has a radio talk show on KABC, in Los Angeles, where every night, she blindly supports her guy, Mr. Slick... and viscously trashes all of his critics. He can do no wrong, in her eyes. But if a woman comes forward to accuse him of sexual harassment... OHHHH!!!! She is a liar, a slut, or a gold-digger. Like other supporters of Bill, her twisted way of thinking, is that Clinton is the innocent victim... and the women he has victimized are the bad ones. As Stephanie like to say..."whut?" HELLO??!!!

Special Hall of Shame Award... How Low can you go...

Nina Burleigh

Nina Burleigh is the former Time magazine White House correspondent, who gained national attention for a comment she made that exposes the feminists for what they really are... Defenitely NOT pro-women, but left-wing wacko, morally-challenged, hypocritical, intellectual prostitutes, with Bill Clinton as their pimp. Here is her full quote:
"I would be happy to give him a blowjob just to thank him for keeping abortion legal. I think American women should be lining up with their presidential kneepads on to show their gratitude for keeping the theocracy off our backs."

OK... So all women are supposed to line up, and sexually service King Clinton, in thanks for doing such "good" things, like allowing late term abortions?? Oh, and I guess we should also thank him for his wonderful track record of sexually harassing low-level women employees, and then trashing them when they come forward?? One thing is for sure.... Thanks to the so called "feminists" like Burleigh and Gloria Steinem, the whole movement has lost all credibility and they are embarassing to all women.
