The boys with Mum's hero!

Marcus,Jonathan and Benjamin meet Martin Andresen, captain of the Bergen football team Brann (and Norway...).

Brown Stripe Brown Stripe

Come on in, the Water's Lovely !

Come on in, the Water's Lovely !


Dette er et tospråkig webområde: Klikk her for den norske versjonen av denne siden!

space space

Hello and welcome! This is our personal web-site, which we have tried to fill with useful and amusing things. Complete menus can be found on Jane's stuff and Paul's stuff, or you can use the search facility and site-map at the bottom of this page.

The Norwegian content is mostly to be found under Jane's stuff , but she also has some English pages, including All about me.

Jane's Norwegian pages include meditations, sketches, children's talks and more - all stuff that we have used one way or another....

Paul's stuff is mostly in English, with a smattering of Norwegian. It's an eclectic mix of stuff About me, my faith,and my hair (or lack of). Some of these pages have Norwegian translations, and there are also a few articles and sermons in Norwegian.

Ought to be plenty to keep you occupied...



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But who are we?

Paul (42), comes from England, but moved to Bergen, Norway, in 1989, where he met Jane Brakstad (40). We were married in 1991 and have three children: Jonathan (1995), Marcus (1997) and Benjamin (2000). We now live in Oslo, the capital of Norway.

We work as officers in the Salvation Army, and are responsible for the Temple Corps in central Oslo, Norway's largest Salvation Army church. In practice, we're like the pastors of any other free church: If you'd like to know more about the Salvation Army, and in particular how two relatively normal people end up working for this strange organisation - turn to our Faith Page.


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