About Brooke!

I've seen too many "personal" sites out there that say nothing about the person, just a huge bag of links. Heck, I'm guilty of having written pages like that in the past. I'd like to take a moment to change my site for the better... and dare all of you to STEP INTO MY LIFE... bwa-ha-ha!

Who am I? We all ask ourselves that question now and then. The answer may be trite, answerable by a profession, a name, the first blurb out of your mouth. But think about it... is that really who you are? Take a moment to think... seriously, who am I? Is there a real answer? And today's answer might be different from tomorrow's? The winds of change shifting the sands of life... (corny!!)

I am an analytical thinker. While my future plans are a bit up in the air right now, I am still drawn to the idea of science and experimentation. Lots of logical thinking involved in terms of experimental design and proposal writing. Yes, my life is often ruled by quite a bit of logic -- if A, then B. Cause and effect. But as we get older, we realize that although the laws of nature dictate this logical behavior, human beings defy these laws. And then we learn to be a lot less analytical and judgemental... there's something that doesn't love a wall.

I am a California native. Like, totally, fer sure!!! No, can't say that I'm a Valley Girl, as I've always lived in coastal regions. California is often thought to be a "step ahead" of other areas in many ways... I have done quite a bit of traveling is my past, though a lot of it before age 13, and can say that this is relatively true. I am a spoiled rotten Californian who can spend her summer days (not quite so warm here in San Fran) eating the best and ripest produce! But California has always been part of my life, both northern and southern, and I think I'm staying put.

I am a runner. I say that with confidence! I have run a few marathons... and how many more in the future? A lot of my daily behavior revolves around running. And it's taught me a lot about the world, and about myself. About personal and emotional achievement. About my constant pursuit of perfectionism at a younger age. Perfectionism is not always realistic, nor is it always the ideal goal. Do I want to win a marathon? What exactly does "winning" a marathon mean? Overall victory in the race... or personal victory? As a good friend says... Do the best you can with what you got.

I am an artist? I try to think of some of my hobbies as artistic, at least to some extent. I enjoy cooking and creating exotic and traditional recipes for myself and others. I particularly like blending different nationalities into one dish -- not only does it taste good, but also very symbolic in terms of the basic tenet of our country. I enjoy writing as well -- the perfect outlet for many of my emotions, positive and negative. And of course, there are always my musical aspects...

I am a musician? Musical instruments and music have been part of my life from a very young age, thanks to my mom. I grew up with a piano nearby throughout my childhood. While I never became a "virtuoso" per se, again, playing became another outlet for energy and emotions. And it allowed me to explore other musical realms... early in college, I was part of a madrigal choir, and did quite a bit of singing. After college, I started playing around with a guitar and found other ways to express myself through music. I can't say that my guitar playing has necessarily improved much -- still at the early stage of the learning curve. Yet another challenge in my life... but is this something that I want to put in the foreground or the background of my life? I really enjoy music, learning about music, and sharing this love with others; but sometimes when a hobby becomes work, it is no longer fun...

I am a student. We all are students, whether or not we attend classes, pay tuition, take exams. Life is the most excellent teacher we could have. It constantly provides us with new challenges and new opportunities to learn. Master one skill, pick up another and start over again as an elementary student.

I enjoy stimulation of the senses. Hearing interesting music. Tasting great wine. Reading the works of great authors and poets (my favorite being Robert Frost). Seeing the world around me, from a different perspective in cars and on foot. Smelling... let's not go there. :) Learning how the world works through my experiments. So much to learn, so little time...

So... who are YOU?

Homeward bound!