Statistical Process Control


									YES	NO	N/SURE

1.	Does your company using statistical techniques in 		___	___	____
	implementing quality control.

2.      Does your company stress on quality of products going
        out to the user.						___	___	____

3.	Do you ever heard of statistical process control or SPC.	___	___	____

4.	In process quality control, does the production worker in 
        your factory ever uses this problem solving tools.
        a.	brainstorming						___	___	____
        b.	cause and effect diagram				___	___	____
        c.	pareto analysis						___	___	____

5.      Have your company ever uses these quality improvement 
        a.	flow chart						___	___	____
        b.	storyboarding						___	___	____
        c.	scatter diagram						___	___	____

6.      To maintain a productive production, does your company
        a.	frequency histogram					___	___	____
        b.	checksheet						___	___	____
        in line to check the production flow.

7.      Is there any control charts being use in certain process
        control. 							___	___	____

8.      Does your company uses 
        a.	average and range 					___	___	____
	b.	median and range 					___	___	____
	c.	individual and range					___	___	____
	variables control chart in tracking that a process is out of 
	control or not.

9.      In using an attributes control chart, does your company 
        a.	p-chart							___	___	____
        b.	np-chart						___	___	____
        c.	c-chart							___	___	____
        to monitor the flow of the process.

10.	Does acceptance sampling being use in quality control.	        ___	___	____

                                                                        YES	NO	N/SURE

1.     Is there any quality policies on statistical process  control
       or SPC being implemented.					___	___	____

2.     Are policies and procedures on quality control being 
       followed in production floor.					___	___	____

3.     Have your company ever estimate the cost of poor 
       quality of products and services.				___	___	____

4.     Is the quality department responsible for the quality 
       checking of the product and process.				___	___	____

5.     Does the workers in the production floor inspect their 
       own process.							___	___	____

6.     Have your company determined the effects of the 
       Improvement using quality control tools.			        ___	___     ____


1.     Where is the emphasis being place for manufacturing 
       quality assured products.
       a. supervisory attention
       b. inspection and test of production
       c. motivation of workforce						a  b  c	

2.     Who determines the quality control being implemented in 
       production floor.
       a. manufacturing engineers
       b. production supervisors
       c. workers
       d. quality control department					      a  b  c  d

                                                                        YES	NO	N/SURE

3.	Is there any measure on quality of output products.		___	___	____

4.	Does the information of quality control meet the needs 
	of the personnel.						___	___	____

5.      Does the quality control techniques understood by the 
        personnel.							___	___	____

6.      Is there any resources being spent on defects and 
        correcting quality being noted.					___	___	____

7.	Is there any maintenance being done for all machinery.	        ___	___	____

8.	Is the capability of main process being observed.		___	___	____


										                                                                YES 	NO	N/SURE

1.	Does inspection counted as an important process.		___	___	____

2.	Is there any clear inspection procedures.			___	___	____

3.	Does your company have an inspection department.	        ___	___	____

4.	Are there any procedures for dealing with defective parts 
	or products.							___	___	____

5.      Is inspection being done time-to-time to find the cause of 
        potential failures.						___	___	____

6.      Does your company practice
        a.	incoming inspection					___	___	____
        b.	process inspection					___	___	____
        c.	setup inspection					___	___	____
        d.	finished parts inspection				___	___	____

7.      Is all the inspection data and documentation being 
        a. using a computer						___	___	____
        b. manually							___	___	____

8.      Is there any schedule for 
        a.	inspection						___	___	____
        b.	overhaul						___	___	____


									YES 	NO	N/SURE

1.	Does your company manage customer’s feedback.		        ___	___	____

2.      Is there any records being kept on 
        a.	repair activities 					___	___	____
        b.	testing equipment					___	___	____
        c.	customer feedback					___	___	____
        d.	major and minor failure of machineries		        ___	___	____
        e.	cause of breakdown					___	___	____

3.	Does any safety procedures being emphasized.		        ___	___	____


1.      Does your company sales volume 
        a. increase
        b. decrease 
        relating to the quality of products.

2.      Does your employee keep
        a. increasing
        b. decreasing

3.      Have your company being rewarded for quality awards
        a. yes
        b. no

4.      From quality point of view, how is the profit increment compared to last year.
        a. increase
        b. decrease

5.      Does the scrap and defective products keep
        a. increasing 
        b. decreasing

6.      What would be the scrap cause by the production’s fault per year.
        a. 0-5%
        b. 6-10%
        c. 10-15%
        d. above 15%

7.      What would be the time spent on rework and reinspect the product
        a. 0-5%
        b. 6-10%
        c. 10-15%
        d. above 15%
        of their working hours per year. (assume working hours = 3000 hours/year)

8.      Warranty replacement per year (from the total sales)
        a. 0-5%		b	5-10%	c.	above 10%

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