"Know what I have seen: it is good and right for one to eat and to drink, and to enjoy the good of all the labour that he completes under the sun all the days of his life, which God giveth him: for it is his portion."

Welcome to beaver creek. My wife has told me to alter this page, and I believe it has been long enough, so I will. I apologize to those who have found this site interesting, that I have not done any recent updates, but I have many good excuses.

1: My wife and I were given a gift named BEN! who was born on October 19, 1999 at 3:18 pm!!!!

2: I am working full time and going to school for a master's degree in mechanical engineering. (which i often wonder about, since my first love is The Gospel of Jesus Christ, but maybe God is trying to show me something)
I was somewhat proud of the little treatise that formerly occupied this page, but now it is gone. I have left the section below, a descriptive passage of the rust belt toward the end of winter, which we have not yet reached as of today 1/20/2000. In fact, right now it is about 20 degrees Fahrenheit outside with a blowing wind and snow. You feel like you are on the north pole. Soon, soon child, it will be spring and you may smile again.

You know, whenever I think of the word mundane, I imagine a row of rust belt city houses packed together in a winter thaw when the clouds are gray, the mud is plentiful, and that dirty snow is piled up on the edges of the road. I love the spring!


Uncle beav is now uncle to a very cute one year old daughter of brotho' matt: Elyse Rose Bachman born on 12/21/98 at 5:24 am. Hallelujah, Holy Cow!

News Flash!

There is a new poem on the creek entitled going to school as of Mar. 26th 1999.
Beav's secret has been out for a long time, and he is really out into the world now. Whenever Beav picks up the little secret bundle of joy he makes sure everyone knows he is in the world.

Creek bends

Here are some things beavs enjoy.

Beav's stuff
Creek Bends Creek Links Other
Poetry. Fondytown. The Holocaust.
Prose, and Languages. Brother Matt Bachman's page. SHOP ONLINE!!!
Music. The Deibel corporation for Agriculture. SHOP ONLINE!!!
Physics, Fisica, Physik. The fantabulous webmaster Lou. SHOP ONLINE!!!.

FAMILY. Shrine to the Band KISS. Google Search.
AMAZING. Now that's a book! Yahoo!.

Write to the beav

,October 22nd, 1998

(c) 1998 all rights reserved. no copying of materials permitted without express written permission from the author.
